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Eva Holmes
Community Member

4 posts
51 points
Hey everyone. I don't really know what to write for this but a few things about me is that I am a journalist and love writing short stories with my friends/ coworkers. My favorite genre is probably scary/mystery.

Eva Holmes • upvoted 25 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
Usually at night when I am in bed I hear strange noises because my house is old and also historic. So one night before I went to bed ( It was like ten or eleven ) I hear this weird noise and I thought it was coming from the fridge right outside my bedroom but I walked outside and it was turned off. I was confused and walked back into my bedroom finding my closet and bathroom door were open even though I left them closed. That night all I heard was footsteps throughout my whole house. It was creepy.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You're Afraid To Do But Really Want To Do?
Bungee jumping, skydiving, confessing to my crush, and whitewater rafting
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You're Afraid To Do But Really Want To Do?
Coming out to my parents/friends as trans. Ive known I am trans since about 13, 9 years ago basically. In all this time I still have not had the courage to tell anybody except for one friend who is also trans.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
When I was 10, I was walking home from a friend's house (not a long walk at all, they were just 5 houses up from mine) and I heard a high-pitched sweeping sound as a red light shone down on me. I have no idea what this was really. Also, I do believe aliens have visited the Earth before, but I also believe that they are smart enough n have advanced enough technology to make themselves completely undetectable to us, so unless they were testing how I'd react, and are currently monitoring me while im writing this, possibly scribbling down a bunch of notes, something like "Subject still remembers the encounter, suspects it to be the work of extraterrestrials" or something, I dont think it was Aliens.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
Years ago, when my children were very young, we had somewhere we had to go very early the next morning. I told the children to make sure they knew where their shoes were because we wouldn't have time to hunt for them in the morning. Everyone went to bed, my husband was working 3rd shift. When I woke up the next morning I walked out to the living room and EVERY shoe in the house was buckled or tied together in a pile in the middle of the room. I called my hubby at work to ask the very stupid question of "you didn't come home in the middle of the night to do something weird with our shoes did you?" No, he hadn't. No one ever figured out how that happened.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
In the 70's, my car had something wrong with it, so I took it to the shop. The car was up on a lift. The mechanic invited me to the pit under the lift to show me the problem (crazy I know). While under there, the car started to move forward and down towards us. There was no place to go! I stepped forward and put my hands on the bumper and pushed. The car stopped and just hung there! The mechanic and I looked at each other and said "whoa, what just happened! ". I know there's a reasonable answer, like maybe the emergency brake kicked in, but it sure seemed spooky at the time.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
This happened three times with three different people. I grew up in 2-story house in the Philippines. Upstairs, there was a huge playroom, and 4 bedrooms. When I was around 11 years old, me and my babysitter were hanging out in the playroom. She went to the bathroom, and I got bored so I went downstairs to check out the fridge. I heard her come out of the bathroom, and she started screaming my name. After the 3rd time, she stopped. I thought she figured out that I was downstairs. After a few minutes, I saw her coming down the stairs. As she looked at me, she froze and just stared at me. I asked her what's wrong, and she said she just saw me in the playroom before she went downstairs. She was really freaked out about it, and I don't know--I used to not believe in these things so I just laughed at her. The second time it happened, I was probably 16. I was hanging out at my brother's room cause it's the room with the fastest internet. And then I heard my 6-year old brother (I have 2 brothers) calling me and looking around for me, I didn't answer back and just waited for him to find me. I saw him go in my room, and then he got quiet. I thought he was looking for something and just found it. As he was walking out of my room, he saw me in my brother's room, and he just froze and stared like my babysitter. I asked him what's wrong and he said, "Why are there 2 of you?" And that's when I freaked out and ran to my mom's room. She laughed at us, but I remember sleeping in her room that night. The last time it happened was when I was 20. My parents went on vacation with my youngest brother, so me and my other siblings had to stay at my grandparents night. The first night they were away, me and my sister decided to go home and get more clothes. We were both in my room, cause she likes to borrow some of my clothes, and I told her that I'm going to take a shower. That's when she left and went to her room to pack more clothes. I went to the bathroom, and started brushing my teeth. As I was about to get in the shower, my sister walked in the bathroom, and she looked at me so weirdly. And her face turned pale, so I asked her what's wrong. She said she went back to my room and she was talking to me, but then she had to pee so she went to the bathroom and found me there. We both looked at each other, grabbed our stuff, and left. I still don't know why or what it is, but it still creeps me out when I think about it.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You're Afraid To Do But Really Want To Do?
take leadership roles(was never rlly given a chance due to my personality, but i think i could be a good one if given a chance) bungee jump go on those REALLY fast and big roller coasters perform on a bigger stage lol, idk for what, tho it would be rlly cool if it was a rock band lol (not likely, ik heh)
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
My cat died a week ago. It happened when we were visiting friends for a couple of hours. She was old and needed meds so when we came home I went looking for her. She was not in any of her usual spots and I didn't even see her in her hideout place (she hated taking the meds). So I went pspsps because when she was in earshot, she would always answer. I hear her go meow? from the hideout and went back to look further (storage space behind our suitcases). Finally found her. She had been dead for hours. But I reckon she wanted to make sure I found her.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
Why being Autistic ostracises me. I just perceive the world differently. Please try and meet us halfway.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
I saw someone who looked exactly like my dead stepfather, drive past us when we were leaving our house to move in with our new stepfather. Almost like his ghost checking on us to see if we were ok. Freaky.Show All 25 Upvotes

Eva Holmes • commented on 7 posts 1 year ago
Show All 7 Comments

Eva Holmes • submitted 4 list additions 1 year ago

Eva Holmes • submitted 4 list additions 1 year ago

Eva Holmes • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
When I was 10, I was walking home from a friend's house (not a long walk at all, they were just 5 houses up from mine) and I heard a high-pitched sweeping sound as a red light shone down on me. I have no idea what this was really. Also, I do believe aliens have visited the Earth before, but I also believe that they are smart enough n have advanced enough technology to make themselves completely undetectable to us, so unless they were testing how I'd react, and are currently monitoring me while im writing this, possibly scribbling down a bunch of notes, something like "Subject still remembers the encounter, suspects it to be the work of extraterrestrials" or something, I dont think it was Aliens.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
Years ago, when my children were very young, we had somewhere we had to go very early the next morning. I told the children to make sure they knew where their shoes were because we wouldn't have time to hunt for them in the morning. Everyone went to bed, my husband was working 3rd shift. When I woke up the next morning I walked out to the living room and EVERY shoe in the house was buckled or tied together in a pile in the middle of the room. I called my hubby at work to ask the very stupid question of "you didn't come home in the middle of the night to do something weird with our shoes did you?" No, he hadn't. No one ever figured out how that happened.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Inexplicable Experience?
Why being Autistic ostracises me. I just perceive the world differently. Please try and meet us halfway.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet