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angie but who cares
Community Member
16 posts
2.4K points
hi i go by all pronouns i am an aithest i like art and hp and worm on a string i also love dogs and cats and well every animal i have no damn clue what else to right
angie but who cares • commented on 34 posts 3 years ago
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angie but who cares • upvoted 6 items 3 years ago
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angie but who cares • submitted 14 new posts 3 years ago
angie but who cares • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago
angie but who cares • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
angie but who cares • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
angie but who cares • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's A Small Victory Of Yours?
I talked on about something that happened to me a year ago, still trying to figure out what to do from here, but it's the first time I've really talked about it to someone with any expertise on the subjectHey Pandas, What's A Small Victory Of Yours?
Two small victories 1) I finally figured out how to make an overeasy egg without breaking the yolk 2) I completed the Pokedex on a game of Pokemon I've been playing since 2015Hey Pandas, What's A Small Victory Of Yours?
I had a big self-growth moment. I kept trying to hold onto people in relationships and friendships that weren't giving me the same energy. I realized, and I took a step back. I have quite a few less "friends" now, but all of my friends are in my life because they want to be, not because I kept clinging to them and trying to force the relationship. angie but who cares • is following 13 people
angie but who cares • 92 followers