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Smart blobfish
Community Member
3 posts
411 points
I like blobfish and i'm actually not really smart. I also play lacrosse.
Smart blobfish • upvoted 25 items 3 years ago
When I was in the 1st grade my mother gave me one of MANY really awful haircuts. The first day back at school afterward the kids picked on me horribly. So much that I ran out and hid. The principal found me and we went back to the classroom and he asked me to wait outside for a minute while he talked to the class. He then walked me to his office and bought me a Coke. The next day - first thing in the morning - we had an assembly with the entire school and he walked up on stage with his head shaved completely bald and talked about bullying and the like. Some twenty years down the road he had retired and I ran into him at the local college. SHook his hand and said: - "You probably don't remember me, but," - "Yes I do," he interrupted and said my name and the event. The man was and is a hero in my eyes.45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
Show All 25 Upvotes
Smart blobfish • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
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Smart blobfish • started following a person 3 years ago
Smart blobfish • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
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Smart blobfish • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
Smart blobfish • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
When I was in the 1st grade my mother gave me one of MANY really awful haircuts. The first day back at school afterward the kids picked on me horribly. So much that I ran out and hid. The principal found me and we went back to the classroom and he asked me to wait outside for a minute while he talked to the class. He then walked me to his office and bought me a Coke. The next day - first thing in the morning - we had an assembly with the entire school and he walked up on stage with his head shaved completely bald and talked about bullying and the like. Some twenty years down the road he had retired and I ran into him at the local college. SHook his hand and said: - "You probably don't remember me, but," - "Yes I do," he interrupted and said my name and the event. The man was and is a hero in my eyes.45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
Smart blobfish • is following a person
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