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Emmanuel Grey
Community Member

1 posts
346 points
Whatever Bored Panda wants me to say I guess..

Emmanuel Grey • upvoted 26 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
"Play it by ear" I always thought it was "play it by year." I like my version better.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Well i keep pronouncing gif and trespassing wrong, even though I know how they’re supposed to go.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Minesweeper. I have no idea why but as a child when I started playing this game i would pronounce it as 'mines-weeper' and not 'mine-sweeper'. Even now I sometimes pronounce it as that in habit.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Trypophobia. I called it trip-TO-phobia, with an extra T.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Persephone. I was pronouncing it as per-suh-phone instead of per-seh-fuh-nee for the longest time. I even had an obsession with Greek mythology for a while but I still pronounced it wrong lol
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
I read the word epitome as “epi tome”. And calliope as “calli ope”!
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Psalm. I’ve always seen it as puh slam. I only until recently learnt how it was pronounced when my mom was helping me with homework and she died laughing at how I said it, aha. Whoops.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Vanilla. Am I the only one who pronounces it 'Vanella'? One word it drives me batty to hear mispronounced is 'exception'. So many folks add the word Egg in there saying 'Egg'ception. I'm sure there are many other words I've mispronounced my entire life besides vanilla. Van-ella or Van-illa ?
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Delinquent, I pronounced De-le-quint. Herbs I'd pronounce the H because it just sounded right. Harrowing as ho-rrow-ing. Chrysanthemum as chrysanthenum. There's so much more but I don't remember.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Salmon. I said it like it's spelled. WHY IS THERE AN L IN SALMON ITS PRONOUNCES SAMON
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Apparently when I say "herbal tea" a lot of people say it sounds like I say "horrible tea"! My pet peeve though is when someone says "Pacific" when they mean "specific"!
Hey Pandas! What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently??
rotisserie (idk how to spell it lol but its the chicken) i pronounced the word in an unnecessarily fancy way cuz i thought that was how it was pronounced.
Hey Pandas! What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently??
Sriracha. Just recently realized there is two R letters there. Pronounced it siracha
NerdyNina221B reply
Can we re-normalize using headphones while listening to music or watching videos in public? Please? I should be able to study on campus without having to listen to someone else's s**t. I can't even go to the campus library without someone blasting their s**t.
induceddaftfan reply
I sell plant cuttings and seedlings! Spring time I just sell my extra peppers and tomatoes, and then have some well loved houseplants that need a haircut every so often - i just root the cuttings in water and eventually pot and sell. Its not a ton of cash or anything, but it's a nice way for my hobby to pay for itself over time. Also been growing pomegranates from seed because where I live they are an uncommon houseplant. The local garden center sold small trees for 129+! I had no problem growing the little guys for a few months and selling for 20$ whereas the seed packs were 5 dollars for a bunch.Show All 26 Upvotes

Emmanuel Grey • commented on 13 posts 1 year ago
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Emmanuel Grey • submitted a new post 1 year ago

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Emmanuel Grey • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago

Emmanuel Grey • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Well i keep pronouncing gif and trespassing wrong, even though I know how they’re supposed to go.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
"Play it by ear" I always thought it was "play it by year." I like my version better.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Trypophobia. I called it trip-TO-phobia, with an extra T.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Persephone. I was pronouncing it as per-suh-phone instead of per-seh-fuh-nee for the longest time. I even had an obsession with Greek mythology for a while but I still pronounced it wrong lol
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
I read the word epitome as “epi tome”. And calliope as “calli ope”!
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Salmon. I said it like it's spelled. WHY IS THERE AN L IN SALMON ITS PRONOUNCES SAMON
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Minesweeper. I have no idea why but as a child when I started playing this game i would pronounce it as 'mines-weeper' and not 'mine-sweeper'. Even now I sometimes pronounce it as that in habit.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Vanilla. Am I the only one who pronounces it 'Vanella'? One word it drives me batty to hear mispronounced is 'exception'. So many folks add the word Egg in there saying 'Egg'ception. I'm sure there are many other words I've mispronounced my entire life besides vanilla. Van-ella or Van-illa ?
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Delinquent, I pronounced De-le-quint. Herbs I'd pronounce the H because it just sounded right. Harrowing as ho-rrow-ing. Chrysanthemum as chrysanthenum. There's so much more but I don't remember.
Hey Pandas! What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently??
rotisserie (idk how to spell it lol but its the chicken) i pronounced the word in an unnecessarily fancy way cuz i thought that was how it was pronounced.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Psalm. I’ve always seen it as puh slam. I only until recently learnt how it was pronounced when my mom was helping me with homework and she died laughing at how I said it, aha. Whoops.
Hey Pandas, What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently?
Apparently when I say "herbal tea" a lot of people say it sounds like I say "horrible tea"! My pet peeve though is when someone says "Pacific" when they mean "specific"!
Hey Pandas! What's A Word You've Mispronounced Your Whole Life Until Recently??
Sriracha. Just recently realized there is two R letters there. Pronounced it siracha
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