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543 points
I'm bi, and am a chaotic gremlin. I comment a lot. Now go away I'm sleepy
2cyclerepairmen • commented on 38 posts 1 year ago
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2cyclerepairmen • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
2cyclerepairmen • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
2cyclerepairmen • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Least-Designer7976 reply
Self-harm. And that the only reason I didn't end myself between 11 and 17 was because I'm an only child and I was sure my mom would never survive. It's pretty damn awful to discover that you can actually not survive but just live also for yourself. And have real pleasure. That life can be enjoyable. Edit : a bit horrified by how quick the number of likes is increasing ... If anyone of you need it ; I love you, I give you a hug, I hope you enjoy your day and that you didn't forgot to drink and eat. Am your SH godmother and no, you didn't deserved to be so worry that you were afraid for the feelings of the adults surrounding you as a child. NEVER. You deserved to be helped and to live a normal childhood. If anyone wants to talk, come to my DM. 876 days free from SH, so I can hear pretty anything. EDIT 2 : I would have loved to create a kinda AA equivalent for the mental issues : depression, suicide, anxiety, bipolarity ... When I see how many people want to talk, I really feel like it would be worthy. EDIT 3 : Following the advice of a fellow Redditer, I created an AngelsAnonymous community to let a free space for anyone to talk about any mental issue you have, or any mark year you want to celebrate. I absolutely don't know how to share it ^^' but it's written r/AngelsAnonymous . I'm going to try to create a few groups to talk in. Feel free to come in, you're safe there <3 EDIT 4 : I insist, everyone is welcome on r/AngelsAnonymous ; no matter what you need, how you feel, what happened to you, we are all little angels trying to help each other. I can't make it live on my own, speak on it, do your own post, that's OUR family safe space. EDIT 5 : I'm amazed by the dozen of people who came to me to talk about their stories. Yet a lot of people are member without writing anything. Write. Tell. Express yourself. It's a free space and no one may judge you in it. You're worthy of respect and you deserve to be heard. 2cyclerepairmen • is following 9 people