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Bird Mom
Community Member
2 posts
2.7K points
I am the owner of two adorable birds, a cockatiel and a parakeet. Both rescues, they have made me who I am and helped decide what I want from life. I am also a lover of embroidery and reading.
Bird Mom • upvoted an item 1 year ago
Bird Mom • upvoted 33 items 2 years ago
Defending Mom's Cooking Knowing She Has Poisoned It
There was a letter to an advice column years ago, from a woman convinced her mother in law was slightly poisoning her every time they went to her house for dinner. After every meal she grew violently ill and threw up/had diarrhea. When she told her husband her suspicion he said she was crazy. His mother was a saint who adored her and would die before hurting her. The advice columnist urged the wife to swap her plate with her husband’s during the next dinner. The woman wrote back saying she followed the advice and it was her husband who became violently ill after the meal. When she told him what she’d done she said he looked at her with such loathing she realized he’d suspected what his mom was doing all along but, instead of standing up for her, he decided to gaslight her about her suspicions to avoid upsetting his mom. Talk about your red flags.Show All 33 Upvotes
Bird Mom • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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