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Kenny (He/it)
Community Member

MINOR transmasc (he/it)therian https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mEcdTDk7QU8jXUbCc886X1dmeIjiJLikE7TBoehByKI/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/document/d/188CAiFXteoTmdtJhUVciiBNYEk9cwvYZ0S_sEe5vht4/editusp=sharing

OkSpinach5268 reply
Bedbugs practice traumatic insemination. The females have a genital area but the males prefer to just stab their p*nis into the females' abdomen and ejaculate right into her abdominal cavity.

Childhood Cartoons Meet Horror: Artist’s Darkly Nostalgic Artwork Will Haunt Your Memories (32 Pics)

Childhood Cartoons Meet Horror: Artist’s Darkly Nostalgic Artwork Will Haunt Your Memories (32 Pics)

MistaLuvcraft reply
When you f**k up, admit your guilt and apologize. People will respect you. Deflecting and passing blame makes you look like an a*****e.