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1 posts
5.1K points
Heyo! I'm Ellie!
I play volleyball (middle hitter 5'9)
I show Nubian goats competitively (Confirmation and showmanship)
I love reading, and Rubik's cubes
I play Skyrim, Apex Legends, and Minecraft
Ellie • upvoted 40 items 1 year ago
Itchy-Picture-4282 reply
In the early 2000s the garment district in Manhattan had “Mitzvah Tanks”. It was basically a mobile synagogue for the devout to come handle religious observation during the work day with a rabbi. Turns out they had bagels in there. I was just starting out my career (I was 21 or so) and money was tight. I would go in 3x a week and get bagels. If no one was looking I would stuff an extra into my suit pocket. I don’t at all look Jewish and almost no one from my part of the world is Jewish. The rabbi approached me after a month and I told him “I saw free food in a house of God and just figured since I am not a bad guy, God wouldn’t be too mad”. Rabbi laughed and said something like “from now on say hello. You don’t have to act like a thief trying not to get caught.” In a few months when money was less tight I would stop by at lunch and chat with the Rabbi. It was a simpler time.Show All 40 Upvotes
Ellie • submitted a new post 3 years ago
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Ellie • submitted 10 list additions 3 years ago
Ellie • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Ellie • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Itchy-Picture-4282 reply
In the early 2000s the garment district in Manhattan had “Mitzvah Tanks”. It was basically a mobile synagogue for the devout to come handle religious observation during the work day with a rabbi. Turns out they had bagels in there. I was just starting out my career (I was 21 or so) and money was tight. I would go in 3x a week and get bagels. If no one was looking I would stuff an extra into my suit pocket. I don’t at all look Jewish and almost no one from my part of the world is Jewish. The rabbi approached me after a month and I told him “I saw free food in a house of God and just figured since I am not a bad guy, God wouldn’t be too mad”. Rabbi laughed and said something like “from now on say hello. You don’t have to act like a thief trying not to get caught.” In a few months when money was less tight I would stop by at lunch and chat with the Rabbi. It was a simpler time.Stitched This Screamy Boi For A Friend's Birthday. I'll Never Work With Sulky Metallic Threads Again
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