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2 posts
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I am an aspiring writer from the Northeast part of Indiana, I am always wanting to find out about other people and places. I am always up for a good political debate and like to hear your opinions.
Bailey • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Lets Have A Civil Discussion About Opinions On Abortion. I'll Start.
As a woman, who is educated, I would like to point out, that is not her body. That is a baby with it's own DNA, it is inside of her body. From the moment of conception when the sperm and the egg join together creating an individual with their own DNA. Because as you know, when the sperm and the egg combine, it creates new unique DNA, the DNA of the mother and father. I do not believe in "Carry the baby to bury the baby" or "10-year-old girl will die and so will the baby if she gives birth" that is ridiculous. I understand the American Foster Care system sucks. I was bounced around 18 times. But there are so many alternatives. It's not about controlling women's bodies. It's about protecting the baby. Did you know fetuses can feel pain at around 13 weeks? And before you "We put them to sleep BEFORE we cut them apart and vacuum them out" They use noxious chemicals that hurt the baby. It's proven that some babies even pull away from the noxious chemicals at as little as 12 weeks. People say it's not a real baby, so it's not real pain, but fail to realize they feel pain the same as you. And for that reason, I feel as if it is wrong. Bailey • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Bailey • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Bailey • commented on 36 posts 2 years ago
Show All 36 Comments
Bailey • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Bailey • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Bailey • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Bailey • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Lets Have A Civil Discussion About Opinions On Abortion. I'll Start.
As a woman, who is educated, I would like to point out, that is not her body. That is a baby with it's own DNA, it is inside of her body. From the moment of conception when the sperm and the egg join together creating an individual with their own DNA. Because as you know, when the sperm and the egg combine, it creates new unique DNA, the DNA of the mother and father. I do not believe in "Carry the baby to bury the baby" or "10-year-old girl will die and so will the baby if she gives birth" that is ridiculous. I understand the American Foster Care system sucks. I was bounced around 18 times. But there are so many alternatives. It's not about controlling women's bodies. It's about protecting the baby. Did you know fetuses can feel pain at around 13 weeks? And before you "We put them to sleep BEFORE we cut them apart and vacuum them out" They use noxious chemicals that hurt the baby. It's proven that some babies even pull away from the noxious chemicals at as little as 12 weeks. People say it's not a real baby, so it's not real pain, but fail to realize they feel pain the same as you. And for that reason, I feel as if it is wrong.chewsyourownadv reply
When I was in 5th grade, I had a seizure in the middle of class. When I woke up on the floor, kids were running around me and laughing, and the teacher was yelling at me to get back in my desk and stop trying to get attention. Everything hurt and I was completely out of it for the rest of the day, and I didn't understand anything about what happened, or just how big of a sh*tlord the teacher was, until a couple of years later.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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