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Sent From The Slytherin House
Community Member
8 posts
4.8K points
This lazy Panda wrote something about herself.
Sent From The Slytherin House • upvoted 31 items 2 years ago
radseven89 reply
There was a woman who worked in a science lab who spilled two drops of organic mercury on the back of her gloved hand. Those two drops destroyed her entire nervous system and brain.Show All 31 Upvotes
Sent From The Slytherin House • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
Show All 9 Comments
Sent From The Slytherin House • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Sent From The Slytherin House • submitted 20 list additions 2 years ago
Sent From The Slytherin House • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Someone Asked People "What Is A True Fact That Sounds Fake?" And 40 Delivered Illuminating Responses
Someone Asked People "What Is A True Fact That Sounds Fake?" And 40 Delivered Illuminating Responses
Someone Asked People "What Is A True Fact That Sounds Fake?" And 40 Delivered Illuminating Responses
Sent From The Slytherin House • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
radseven89 reply
There was a woman who worked in a science lab who spilled two drops of organic mercury on the back of her gloved hand. Those two drops destroyed her entire nervous system and brain.uwu_SenpaiSatan reply
So this is actually my story of when I was a kid. I had an imaginary friend named Derek who was a carbon copy of me. We were completely identical. I played with Derek for years, longer than what normal kids do. But he would always look at my mom and older sister with a sense of sadness. Eventually he went away. 23 years later im digging through my moms safe to grab some paperwork she's kept for me and I see a stillborn death certificate for a boy named Derek who shared my birthday. It was only then I found out I was actually a twin and my twin, Derek, died during birth. Creepy right?StarDustAndLus reply
So maybe not scary but definitely weird. When I was little I claimed to have an imaginary friend, who had light brown hair and wore a night gown, and she had stars for eyes. Well, my niece was living at my old childhood home and she told me that she has a friend who misses me and she asked why I went away. When I asked who, she described my old imaginary friend. It was super spooky. Edit: I have been informed that this is scary, my apologies. Sent From The Slytherin House • is following 22 people
Sent From The Slytherin House • 112 followers