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3 posts
97 points
I love Pomeranians i adore them there so cute my favorite hobby is basket ball and hanging with friends
Littletoast212 • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Littletoast212 • upvoted 25 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Near-Death Experience?
My family and some church friends were hiking at Masies Peak in CA and then we were going down the trail. My brother and I were at the front. Suddenly my dad pulled both of us ba'ck (he was behind us) and it turned out that there was a rattle snake. If my dad hadn't been there or if we were walking too fast... we would've been dead. Another one was my brother, not me. We were hiking and we were on this kinda thin trail where one side there was a drop off and the other side a wall of rock/dust. My dad decided to make a little joke about Hulk Smash and gathered some leaves and when he 'punched' the wall he'd let go of the leaves. Anyways, it was really funny and then my brother was laughing the hardest, and then he topped over. When he was near the cliff. Thank God, he fell over on a bush that caught him when he fell, otherwise he would've fallen more than 50 feet. So after that my dad joked "A Bush's Purpose" (Like a Dog's Purpose, you know, the movie?)Pandas, When Did You First Figure Out You Were LGBTQ+? How Did You Come Out?
So my best friend, meowmeowUwU, helped figure out I was bi. I mean, at our Christmas party for band, I kept spilling her drink on the floor. We went to the bathroom to get paper towels, and she kissed me. I kinda liked it. We actually dated for a little while, nothing serious tho. We never officially broke up but we kinda just, telepathically figured out we weren't dating anymore. But now I have my amazing boyfriend. I still haven't come out to my parents, I never thought I needed to because while I am bi, I'm in a stereotypical straight relationship.Show All 25 Upvotes
Littletoast212 • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
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Littletoast212 • started following 2 people 3 years ago
Littletoast212 • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Littletoast212 • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Littletoast212 • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago
Littletoast212 • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Littletoast212 • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Near-Death Experience?
My family and some church friends were hiking at Masies Peak in CA and then we were going down the trail. My brother and I were at the front. Suddenly my dad pulled both of us ba'ck (he was behind us) and it turned out that there was a rattle snake. If my dad hadn't been there or if we were walking too fast... we would've been dead. Another one was my brother, not me. We were hiking and we were on this kinda thin trail where one side there was a drop off and the other side a wall of rock/dust. My dad decided to make a little joke about Hulk Smash and gathered some leaves and when he 'punched' the wall he'd let go of the leaves. Anyways, it was really funny and then my brother was laughing the hardest, and then he topped over. When he was near the cliff. Thank God, he fell over on a bush that caught him when he fell, otherwise he would've fallen more than 50 feet. So after that my dad joked "A Bush's Purpose" (Like a Dog's Purpose, you know, the movie?)Hey Pandas, What Is The Stupidest Thing You Have Ever Seen Or Done?
My friend told me that they ate a bar of butter.Pandas, When Did You First Figure Out You Were LGBTQ+? How Did You Come Out?
So my best friend, meowmeowUwU, helped figure out I was bi. I mean, at our Christmas party for band, I kept spilling her drink on the floor. We went to the bathroom to get paper towels, and she kissed me. I kinda liked it. We actually dated for a little while, nothing serious tho. We never officially broke up but we kinda just, telepathically figured out we weren't dating anymore. But now I have my amazing boyfriend. I still haven't come out to my parents, I never thought I needed to because while I am bi, I'm in a stereotypical straight relationship. Littletoast212 • is following 5 people
Littletoast212 • 19 followers