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I’m just a normal Panda like you, I draw, I paint, I play video games, I have to do endless work and is super bored during Zoom calls. I try my best to stay positive
memeaubdoctor • upvoted 35 items 2 years ago
Art, Curiosities
I Needed A Way To Cope With The Year Of 2020 So I Started Creating These Creepy Illustrations (30 Pics)
People come to the US expecting to see too much in one visit. Unless you're prepared to shell out thousands of dollars on very coordinated flights, you aren’t going to see the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon, the Alamo, Hollywood and Yosemite Park all in one week. It's a big country, so pick a few states and stick to that.Popular-Tourist-Mistakes-Around-The-World
Underestimating the size of the country. No you can’t do a day trip to Cairns from Brisbane, it’s like a 2 day drive. Even Sydney is like a 12 hour drive. Actually, same with NZ. People think you can do the whole country in a week. Spoiler alert, you can’t.Popular-Tourist-Mistakes-Around-The-World
People think the Royal Guard in London are just men in silly hats that are not allowed to move. They're military men who will knock you the f*ck out if you mess with them.Show All 35 Upvotes
memeaubdoctor • started following 2 people 2 years ago
memeaubdoctor • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
Show All 3 Comments
memeaubdoctor • submitted a new post 4 years ago
memeaubdoctor • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
memeaubdoctor • submitted 5 list additions 4 years ago
memeaubdoctor • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
memeaubdoctor • commented on 17 posts 3 years ago
memeaubdoctor • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Underestimating the size of the country. No you can’t do a day trip to Cairns from Brisbane, it’s like a 2 day drive. Even Sydney is like a 12 hour drive. Actually, same with NZ. People think you can do the whole country in a week. Spoiler alert, you can’t.Popular-Tourist-Mistakes-Around-The-World
People think the Royal Guard in London are just men in silly hats that are not allowed to move. They're military men who will knock you the f*ck out if you mess with them.Popular-Tourist-Mistakes-Around-The-World
People come to the US expecting to see too much in one visit. Unless you're prepared to shell out thousands of dollars on very coordinated flights, you aren’t going to see the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon, the Alamo, Hollywood and Yosemite Park all in one week. It's a big country, so pick a few states and stick to that. memeaubdoctor • is following 69 people
memeaubdoctor • 63 followers