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StevenTheNeat • upvoted an item 1 year ago
StevenTheNeat • commented on 29 posts 2 years ago
Show All 29 Comments
StevenTheNeat • upvoted 6 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
I'm a teenager. I get treated as an adult a lot. So I should act like an adult and have the maturity of one. But the truth is, I'm just a child. I shouldn't need to be dealing with suicide or people who self harm. Here’s the truth about being a teenager: NO ONE ACTUALLY LISTENS TO YOU EVER. Adults think you’re too old to be making mistakes and too young to take over their jobs. No one would just hand power over to a sixteen year-old, no matter how cool their prophecy or magical birthmark is.Show All 6 Upvotes
StevenTheNeat • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
StevenTheNeat • submitted 20 list additions 2 years ago
StevenTheNeat • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
StevenTheNeat • upvoted 15 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
I'm a teenager. I get treated as an adult a lot. So I should act like an adult and have the maturity of one. But the truth is, I'm just a child. I shouldn't need to be dealing with suicide or people who self harm. Here’s the truth about being a teenager: NO ONE ACTUALLY LISTENS TO YOU EVER. Adults think you’re too old to be making mistakes and too young to take over their jobs. No one would just hand power over to a sixteen year-old, no matter how cool their prophecy or magical birthmark is.Hey Pandas, What’s Your Most Intriguing Shower Thought?
I was thinking for way too long, and I found 2 things out. 1: I know which came first, with the chiken/egg thing. 2: I developed the "3 kings" writing tool.Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Betrayal You Have Ever Experienced?
Oh, Stacey, you total a**hole. We were coworkers and friends, and would confide in each other. I thought the fact that she told me her secrets, which I told no one, meant mine were safe. Nope. F*ck you, Stacey. StevenTheNeat • is following a person