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3 posts
50 points
Hey pandas I’m a 14 year old girl my favorite show is Stranger Things, my favorite book it the Outsiders, and my favorite movie is mean girls

Sunshine • upvoted 40 items 2 years ago
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Sunshine • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago

Sunshine • submitted 8 list additions 2 years ago

Sunshine • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago

Sunshine • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago

A Man Playing With A Child At A Playground
maledependasaid: A man playing with a child at a playground Grogosh added: Decades of that stranger danger stuff ruined dads being out with their child. Sure its a legitimate threat but the real bad stuff happens because they already know the kid, in family, friends, etc.
Not Responding To Texts Immediately
Not responding to texts immediately. No *Brenda* I'm not ghosting you, I am literally at work.
Not Having A Social Media Presence
Not having a social media presence. I’ve had multiple people tell me that my choice not to use social media was a huge red flag, but in reality I got rid of my accounts because they were making me miserable. I got rid of my Facebook/Instagram/twitter accounts two years ago, and have been noticeably happier ever since.
Placed The Phone Screen Down On A Table
I once met a girl who thought it was a red flag that I always placed my phone screen down on a table. She thought it meant I was hiding something. I had to try and explain that it's too big to keep in my pocket and it's screen down to be polite and show her that she has my undivided attention. Although, I must admit, that her level of insecurity was a red flag to me.
My Boyfriend Was My Neighbor When We Were Babies, And We Only Knew Each Other For Real When We Were About 16 Years Old
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