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Ele V
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Originallyanybody reply
I’ve been waiting for a question like this!! My answer: the phrase “the jury was hung” meaning they all couldn’t decide on one verdict together. The first thing my mind goes to is “wow! They hung the whole jury by their necks!!”
EDIT: YES I’m aware the correct terminology is HANGED I live down the street from Salem where the witches got HANGED I just immediately think HUNG when people say HUNG JURY I know it’s incorrect it’s just what comes to mind thanks reddit folk.
FeetPics_or_Pizza reply
Ectopic pregnancy. Tissue growing outside the uterus in an almost malignant fashion that has no chance of viability and will probably k*ll the afflicted person is not in any sense a “pregnancy”. The name needs to be changed to reflect the medical condition that it is.
This Instagram Account Shares Historical Pics In Their Original Form, And These 40 Are Just Wow
Originallyanybody reply
I’ve been waiting for a question like this!! My answer: the phrase “the jury was hung” meaning they all couldn’t decide on one verdict together. The first thing my mind goes to is “wow! They hung the whole jury by their necks!!”
EDIT: YES I’m aware the correct terminology is HANGED I live down the street from Salem where the witches got HANGED I just immediately think HUNG when people say HUNG JURY I know it’s incorrect it’s just what comes to mind thanks reddit folk.
FeetPics_or_Pizza reply
Ectopic pregnancy. Tissue growing outside the uterus in an almost malignant fashion that has no chance of viability and will probably k*ll the afflicted person is not in any sense a “pregnancy”. The name needs to be changed to reflect the medical condition that it is.