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Hi! Call me rose! I'm just here to chill...
Rosie! • commented on 8 posts 5 months ago
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Rosie! • upvoted 11 items 5 months ago
AzureIsCool reply
The bacterial spores of Bacillus cereus are in all rice varieties and aren't destroyed when cooked as the spores and toxin (which make you sick) are heat resistant. But they aren't active until your rice stays around room temperature for them to germinate. So it's best to cool it down a bit then immediately put it in the fridge. Also don't reheat it more than once.Extremely_unlikeable reply
Well all of these make my flatworm tidbit seem meek. When flatworms mate, two "males" use their bifurcated penises to fence one another. The winner, or the flatworm who stabs the other with its penis dagger, remains a male while the loser becomes female and will be impregnated. Edit to correct the meaning of bifurcated. They don't detach it. Bifurcated means split in two.Show All 11 Upvotes
Rosie! • commented on 3 posts 6 months ago
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Rosie! • upvoted 3 items 6 months ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Us Your Favorite Dad Jokes!
Okayy, I've got quite a few. ~What do you call a security guard for Samsung? Guardians of the galaxy. ~Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to check her balance... So I pushed her over. ~I wondered why the frisbee kept getting bigger... And then it hit me. ~I threw a boomerang a while back... I now live in constant fear.Hey Pandas, Tell Us Your Favorite Dad Jokes!
Okayy, I've got quite a few. ~What do you call a security guard for Samsung? Guardians of the galaxy. ~Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to check her balance... So I pushed her over. ~I wondered why the frisbee kept getting bigger... And then it hit me. ~I threw a boomerang a while back... I now live in constant fear.Show All 3 Upvotes
Rosie! • submitted a new post 6 months ago
Rosie! • upvoted 11 items 7 months ago
soymilkmolasses reply
He was sleeping with his male friends on their guy’s only camping trips. Wife didn’t know.Heroic-Forger reply
During a class reunion a high-school classmate admitted that cityscapes turned him on. Apparently he had a skyscraper fetish.
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Rosie! • commented on 3 posts 7 months ago
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Rosie! • submitted a new post 6 months ago
Rosie! • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Rosie! • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Rosie! • commented on 8 posts 5 months ago
Rosie! • commented on 3 posts 6 months ago
Rosie! • upvoted 11 items 5 months ago
AzureIsCool reply
The bacterial spores of Bacillus cereus are in all rice varieties and aren't destroyed when cooked as the spores and toxin (which make you sick) are heat resistant. But they aren't active until your rice stays around room temperature for them to germinate. So it's best to cool it down a bit then immediately put it in the fridge. Also don't reheat it more than once.Extremely_unlikeable reply
Well all of these make my flatworm tidbit seem meek. When flatworms mate, two "males" use their bifurcated penises to fence one another. The winner, or the flatworm who stabs the other with its penis dagger, remains a male while the loser becomes female and will be impregnated. Edit to correct the meaning of bifurcated. They don't detach it. Bifurcated means split in two. Rosie! • upvoted 5 items 6 months ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Us Your Favorite Dad Jokes!
Okayy, I've got quite a few. ~What do you call a security guard for Samsung? Guardians of the galaxy. ~Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to check her balance... So I pushed her over. ~I wondered why the frisbee kept getting bigger... And then it hit me. ~I threw a boomerang a while back... I now live in constant fear. Rosie! • is following 4 people