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Magik Darkchilde
Community Member
Magik Darkchilde
Community Member
1 posts
245 points
I joined Bored Panda to spam y'all with X-Men stuff, but it turns out you need therapy instead. If you are reading this, please set up an appointment with a counselor. If you are not in a position to do that, please use this link to call the appropriate number for your country:
Magik Darkchilde • upvoted an item 3 weeks ago
Magik Darkchilde • upvoted an item 1 month ago
Magik Darkchilde • upvoted 23 items 6 months ago
Airbear61181 reply
I’ve got a crazy one. I found out my ex husband had an adult baby/diaper fetish after we married. He had even gone as far as putting up ads online looking for women to change him. Found one of his ads where he made up a story about being incontinent from a car accident…which was completely false and made up. He told me about this fetish after we got married, but it never came up again until the end of our marriage, which is when I found the ads he put online. He wanted to act on it more and wanted me to be involved. I didn’t understand it and, to be honest, it grossed me TF out. We started seeing a marriage counselor, and she suggested me giving him boundaries…like certain days where he was allowed to wear the briefs and do adult baby stuff. All it took was one time seeing him, a grown man sitting on a blanket on the floor with a pacifier, bottle, and adult diaper on, I just couldn’t take it…I ended the marriage shortly after that.Roleplayer_MidRNova reply
Oof that he was predominantly asexual. I support Aces, but that's really something you need to let your partner know about before a commitment like that.Temporary_Delivery37 reply
My “I’m old now” indicator was when I started sympathizing with the parents in teen movies.Show All 23 Upvotes
Magik Darkchilde • commented on a post 6 months ago
Magik Darkchilde • upvoted 3 items 7 months ago
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Magik Darkchilde • upvoted 10 items 1 year ago
Show All 10 Upvotes
Magik Darkchilde • commented on a post 1 year ago
Magik Darkchilde • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Magik Darkchilde • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Magik Darkchilde • commented on a post 6 months ago
Magik Darkchilde • commented on 19 posts 1 year ago
In Case You’re Having A Bad Day, Here Are 35 Hilarious Memes Shared By “Meme Lord” Instagram Account
Magik Darkchilde • upvoted 3 items 3 weeks ago
Magik Darkchilde • upvoted 17 items 6 months ago
Airbear61181 reply
I’ve got a crazy one. I found out my ex husband had an adult baby/diaper fetish after we married. He had even gone as far as putting up ads online looking for women to change him. Found one of his ads where he made up a story about being incontinent from a car accident…which was completely false and made up. He told me about this fetish after we got married, but it never came up again until the end of our marriage, which is when I found the ads he put online. He wanted to act on it more and wanted me to be involved. I didn’t understand it and, to be honest, it grossed me TF out. We started seeing a marriage counselor, and she suggested me giving him boundaries…like certain days where he was allowed to wear the briefs and do adult baby stuff. All it took was one time seeing him, a grown man sitting on a blanket on the floor with a pacifier, bottle, and adult diaper on, I just couldn’t take it…I ended the marriage shortly after that.Roleplayer_MidRNova reply
Oof that he was predominantly asexual. I support Aces, but that's really something you need to let your partner know about before a commitment like that.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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