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Effie Mason
Community Member
1 posts
7 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Effie Mason • started following 5 people 3 years ago
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Effie Mason • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Effie Mason • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
Show All 6 Comments
Effie Mason • upvoted 25 items 3 years ago
I Am A Teacher. I Am Also Jewish. I Received This Message Today From A Student After My Introductory Lesson On The Holocaust.
14-Year-Old Ridan Al-Mashouly From Sana’a, Yemen Regularly Feeds And Provides Food For A Homeless Special Needs Elderly Man From His Paycheck
Animals, Science & Technology
Scientists Successfully Clone A Ferret That Died In 1988, And This Might Be A Way Of Protecting Endangered Species
60 Times Toddlers Complained About The Funniest Things, Shared By People In This Online Community
My kid hates it when I dance (which is understandable, as I'm very white) He was about two, I was holding him, grooving along to something. He looks me in the eye, and goes "Daddy no sing!" "I'm not singing, I'm dancing!" "Daddy don't sing!" "I'm not!" Him, in tears: "Don't sing with your feet!"Best-Toddler-Complaints
After a couple slices of pizza, 3 year old bursts into tears and says: "My mouth wants more but my tummy doesn't!" Me too, kid. Me too.Best-Toddler-Complaints
I was a restaurant server one night when a family came in. Normally, I'm not a fan of kids, but this one girl, like 5 or 6, broke the mold for me. There was a fire in her eyes, but she wasn't unruly. Just... in the moment. I walk up to the table after they finish a seafood platter, and I hear the parents loudly saying something they obviously want me to hear: "No, honey, they don't let you take the lobster shells home." I could feel invisible elbows jabbing me in the ribs with their glances. Before I open my mouth to back up their story, she huffs and says- "Well, can I at least keep the eyeballs?!" And then proceeds to hold up a fork with the lobsters eyes impaled on to the ends of the outside prongs, like a war chieftain with the head of an enemy. Adorable.Best-Toddler-Complaints
Demanded to know how to say “Hola in Spanish” would not accept that hola was already Spanish, cried for hoursBest-Toddler-Complaints
When my daughter was three, I told her to stop trying to draw on the dog with crayons. She threw the crayon on the floor, looked me dead in the eye and yelled, "Daddy, you're ruining my life!"Best-Toddler-Complaints
My toddler got mad that her poop came out in two pieces instead of one. She accused my husband of cutting it while she wasn't looking.This Little Boy Gave Up His Seat To A Lady Who Entered The Train With A Stroller & Baby. Then As He Is Standing, His Mom Falls Asleep With Her Head On The Bare Railing
Show All 25 Upvotes
Effie Mason • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Effie Mason • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Effie Mason • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Effie Mason • commented on 15 posts 3 years ago
Effie Mason • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Just Saved This Lil Guy. I Had To Remove The Front End Of The Vehicle To Do It, But He Is Now Free And Alive And Well
Animals, Science & Technology
Scientists Successfully Clone A Ferret That Died In 1988, And This Might Be A Way Of Protecting Endangered Species
I Am A Teacher. I Am Also Jewish. I Received This Message Today From A Student After My Introductory Lesson On The Holocaust.
14-Year-Old Ridan Al-Mashouly From Sana’a, Yemen Regularly Feeds And Provides Food For A Homeless Special Needs Elderly Man From His Paycheck
This Little Boy Gave Up His Seat To A Lady Who Entered The Train With A Stroller & Baby. Then As He Is Standing, His Mom Falls Asleep With Her Head On The Bare Railing
Demanded to know how to say “Hola in Spanish” would not accept that hola was already Spanish, cried for hours60 Times Toddlers Complained About The Funniest Things, Shared By People In This Online Community
My kid hates it when I dance (which is understandable, as I'm very white) He was about two, I was holding him, grooving along to something. He looks me in the eye, and goes "Daddy no sing!" "I'm not singing, I'm dancing!" "Daddy don't sing!" "I'm not!" Him, in tears: "Don't sing with your feet!"Best-Toddler-Complaints
I was a restaurant server one night when a family came in. Normally, I'm not a fan of kids, but this one girl, like 5 or 6, broke the mold for me. There was a fire in her eyes, but she wasn't unruly. Just... in the moment. I walk up to the table after they finish a seafood platter, and I hear the parents loudly saying something they obviously want me to hear: "No, honey, they don't let you take the lobster shells home." I could feel invisible elbows jabbing me in the ribs with their glances. Before I open my mouth to back up their story, she huffs and says- "Well, can I at least keep the eyeballs?!" And then proceeds to hold up a fork with the lobsters eyes impaled on to the ends of the outside prongs, like a war chieftain with the head of an enemy. Adorable. Effie Mason • is following 5 people
Effie Mason • 58 followers