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3 posts
114 points
Just another random person on the internet who bored and stumbled upon this gem of a website.

Justanotherhuman • commented on 24 posts 4 years ago
Show All 24 Comments

Justanotherhuman • submitted a new post 4 years ago

Justanotherhuman • upvoted 14 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I was bullied all my life, not only be fellow students but also the teachers... simply for being silent and shy - It started when my dad died when i was 5 and kids threw away my stuff, tried to drown me, beat me, locked me into places... yet i was the anti-social one for not playing around with them infront of the teachers... when my dad died his side of the family literally vanished and abandoned my mum, me and my sister... I worked all my life rly hard at school, was alway at top of my class, despite the bullying, got scholarships for good private highschools and was about to attend university to become a lawyer and work hard to repay my mum all her efforts and to stick it to all those a-holes that bullied me and made out lives even harder... but instead of attendind college as planned I got very sick... and the doctors fucked up... that was 12 yrs ago... despite having medical prove as MRIs and such, handicapped support denies me any help, and bcs i can't even get the freacking paper that confirms that i am handicapped I am still only working towards my bachelor's degree... 12 yrs later.... I might finally be able to get it... and bcs of my andicap I can't work, I can't travel, I'm in chronic pain constantly, and due to all that my poor mum still has to support me, she's 65, heatsick and worked all her life like a maniac to support me and my sister... and even now I am just a clutz on her leg...... I feel so sooo angry and frustrated and sad... 12 yrs and I ahve still accomplished nothing... and even if i manage to finally get my degree... who will hire a 32 yrs old criple wo can't work even 6 hrs shifts, has only a BA and no notworthy workexperience (only was able to do a little part time job here and there, like Mc, library, H&M...). Worst thing is, nobody believes me when I say that I am handicapped and in pain bcs on the outside I look normal, with clothes on..., nobody knows that bcs of my handicap i gained 20 kilo i can't shed and have to take a bunch of meds and can't do anything that i used to do or would love to do... i literally lost all my friends bcs of this 8wo apparently weren't rly friends to begin with) and eventhough i have a wonderful boyfriend who is willing to support me (eventhough he sometimes forgets i am sick too) I just feel guilty... for shifting the burden from my mum onto him... he deserves better... Every day I just keep going bcs I can't possible let my mum down even more... once she's gone... idk... we will see i guess...
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I'm so freaking worthless! i have no expeirince with the outside world and I've been able to wriggle my way out of any chance to get some because I'm horribly afraid of saying/doing something stupid. I hate myself and i can't say anything not only because my parents have isolated me from the handful of people who cared about me, but also because i know from expeirince that they will leave me in the dust when I'm not happy or cheery enough. I have no coping mechanisms left except hurting myself, mentally and physically. I'm terrified of the idea that no one is coming to save me, no one is going to start loving me unless i make it happen and i just don't have the heart to keep hoping it'll get better in 2 years when i move out. I don't want to tell anybody because i feel pathetic and i don't want to see that look on peoples faces when they realize that I've been hiding all the bad parts from them. sorry but i had to dump it...
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I feel like my life is on pause now and forevermore, like I used to find joy in things such as seeing friends and drawing but now I feel like I don't want to do anything, don't feel motivated to do anything, don't like doing anything. I dunno. I'm a different person now. All I do is think about my life and climate change and death and everything wrong in this world. I just can't.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I'm on the verge to suffer from depression because of my annoying parents. 2020 is supposed to be the year to be independent, but the whole coronavirus situation with the misinformation and the political corruption taking place with my demanding studies, destroy any expectations and hopes i have.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I have severe depression and PTSD but nobody knows how unhappy I am because I have abusive parents and no close friends. And seeing how much better everyone else's life around me are, it just is eating me up.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
In Utah if you are not registered as a republican you cannot vote in the primary elections... a lot of people do not know this. It's unconstitutional and never addressed.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
Insomnia. I try to fall asleep, but I can't sleep. Sleep deprivation is now just my routine. Even when I do manage to fall asleep for a few glorious moments, I awake throughout the night. Well, that and the fact that I'm very judgmental of myself and I just need my head to shut up for five minutes, so I can hear myself think, really THINK. And when I talk, it feels like no one ever listens. I want to change but I can't, really can't. I feel like I'm just running from everything, all my problems, and I run because I know I cannot hide. It's keeping me up, everyone telling me that I should give up. Long story short, I'm a mess.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
Honestly, all the thoughts and prayers people have sent Trump when he and Melania came down with covid-19. How should I put this? wishing him well means wishing harm on all the people who will be harmed by his continued ignorance. They're now saying an estimated 400k+ will die because of this, and he's doing everything he can to spread it faster. his wellness is coming at the cost of hundreds of thousands of others, and that's on just one thing. (okay, just for the record, that study is including loosely-explained deaths and attributing it as 'related to Covid'., more or less.)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I think I might have anxiety? Like clinical anxiety. I’ve alway been a worried person, but it’s gotten out of hand. Twice now, I’ve had moments when I’m super anxious and scared to the point that I had to work hard to make myself leave my room. I also have this thing where I feel overwhelmed by really small things, sometimes just noises. But, I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or not. I know I’m stressed, but is it a real problem? And how do I let my parents know that I’m at least super worn out, or at most need to see a therapist?Show All 14 Upvotes

Justanotherhuman • submitted a list addition 4 years ago

Justanotherhuman • submitted 3 new posts 4 years ago

Justanotherhuman • submitted 4 list additions 4 years ago

Justanotherhuman • commented on 20 posts 4 years ago

Justanotherhuman • upvoted 20 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I'm so freaking worthless! i have no expeirince with the outside world and I've been able to wriggle my way out of any chance to get some because I'm horribly afraid of saying/doing something stupid. I hate myself and i can't say anything not only because my parents have isolated me from the handful of people who cared about me, but also because i know from expeirince that they will leave me in the dust when I'm not happy or cheery enough. I have no coping mechanisms left except hurting myself, mentally and physically. I'm terrified of the idea that no one is coming to save me, no one is going to start loving me unless i make it happen and i just don't have the heart to keep hoping it'll get better in 2 years when i move out. I don't want to tell anybody because i feel pathetic and i don't want to see that look on peoples faces when they realize that I've been hiding all the bad parts from them. sorry but i had to dump it...
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I was bullied all my life, not only be fellow students but also the teachers... simply for being silent and shy - It started when my dad died when i was 5 and kids threw away my stuff, tried to drown me, beat me, locked me into places... yet i was the anti-social one for not playing around with them infront of the teachers... when my dad died his side of the family literally vanished and abandoned my mum, me and my sister... I worked all my life rly hard at school, was alway at top of my class, despite the bullying, got scholarships for good private highschools and was about to attend university to become a lawyer and work hard to repay my mum all her efforts and to stick it to all those a-holes that bullied me and made out lives even harder... but instead of attendind college as planned I got very sick... and the doctors fucked up... that was 12 yrs ago... despite having medical prove as MRIs and such, handicapped support denies me any help, and bcs i can't even get the freacking paper that confirms that i am handicapped I am still only working towards my bachelor's degree... 12 yrs later.... I might finally be able to get it... and bcs of my andicap I can't work, I can't travel, I'm in chronic pain constantly, and due to all that my poor mum still has to support me, she's 65, heatsick and worked all her life like a maniac to support me and my sister... and even now I am just a clutz on her leg...... I feel so sooo angry and frustrated and sad... 12 yrs and I ahve still accomplished nothing... and even if i manage to finally get my degree... who will hire a 32 yrs old criple wo can't work even 6 hrs shifts, has only a BA and no notworthy workexperience (only was able to do a little part time job here and there, like Mc, library, H&M...). Worst thing is, nobody believes me when I say that I am handicapped and in pain bcs on the outside I look normal, with clothes on..., nobody knows that bcs of my handicap i gained 20 kilo i can't shed and have to take a bunch of meds and can't do anything that i used to do or would love to do... i literally lost all my friends bcs of this 8wo apparently weren't rly friends to begin with) and eventhough i have a wonderful boyfriend who is willing to support me (eventhough he sometimes forgets i am sick too) I just feel guilty... for shifting the burden from my mum onto him... he deserves better... Every day I just keep going bcs I can't possible let my mum down even more... once she's gone... idk... we will see i guess...
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
Well... I’ve got a lot of stuff: 1. I have two chinchillas, and they’re really great, but I honestly like one more, he’s more friendly and cute. I love them both, but the other is always cranky. Help? 2. I have zero work ethic. Literally none.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
this is not nearly as bad as some others but I really need to get this off my mind. I met my boyfriend online, and everything is perfect. However, I can't get my doubts out of my head. I'm so scared I'll do something and lose him, or that he'll find someone better than me. I love him, and I don't want to lose him...I'll keep the doubts until we meet in two and a half years...
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
The delicious Mexican food I had last night... Sooo good, but so bad.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I feel like my life is on pause now and forevermore, like I used to find joy in things such as seeing friends and drawing but now I feel like I don't want to do anything, don't feel motivated to do anything, don't like doing anything. I dunno. I'm a different person now. All I do is think about my life and climate change and death and everything wrong in this world. I just can't.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
In Utah if you are not registered as a republican you cannot vote in the primary elections... a lot of people do not know this. It's unconstitutional and never addressed.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
Honestly, all the thoughts and prayers people have sent Trump when he and Melania came down with covid-19. How should I put this? wishing him well means wishing harm on all the people who will be harmed by his continued ignorance. They're now saying an estimated 400k+ will die because of this, and he's doing everything he can to spread it faster. his wellness is coming at the cost of hundreds of thousands of others, and that's on just one thing. (okay, just for the record, that study is including loosely-explained deaths and attributing it as 'related to Covid'., more or less.)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
Questioning my gender. My sex is female but I've always felt that I kinda hovered between male and female. I don't think I'm genderfluid. I might be non binary, I'm just stressed out by it and it doesn't help that my mom says that anything besides male and female are fake and made up.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
Zoom. It is so annoying. The lagging is unstoppable.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I'm feeling really really sad. Not a lot enthuses me at the moment and I have a lovely boyfriend, nice house and a new kitten. I feel guilty for feeling sad and find it difficult to explain to people why, let alone understand it myself
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
A friend and I have been making this graphic novel for about half a year now. To be honest, I cannot say why we've been doing it, but it's important to her and she really seems to be enjoying it. Lately, due to Covid, we haven't been able to see each other at all but she's still working on the project. I feel like a horrible friend for saying this, but I really want to pull out. I haven't had an active role in this project in a while, and I have told her a few times that I'll stop procrastinating and start helping her again, but I just can't find the energy to. I have a lot of chaos in my own life right now, but I do have a lot of time to help, but I just can't find the want to do it. I feel really guilty and like I am letting her down, but I just don't want to do this anymore. I've always been a people-pleaser, so that might be why I feel so guilty but I just don't know what to do. Am I overreacting? Am I just being cowardly for not speaking my mind? Or am I really a terrible friend? I'm probably being overdramatic, but this has been very heavy on my chest for a long time, and I haven't told a soul.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
somebody told me I'm the reason they want to die. why? because I'm "too sad" LIKE DUDE I LITERALLY HAVE (ALMOST CRIPPLING) DEPRESSION. It does not feel great... I'm starting to think that if I don't exist she will be happier.....
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
I'm depressed as I dont know what im going to do during my autumn break...

Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Has Been Eating You Up?
Alkohol: My dad is an Alcoholic, and am afraid am turning to one,. i drink alone, and anytime i feel like. am disgusted afterwards, but dont seem to stop. My memory and sleep and my selfworth are really affected.. but i cant bring myself to ask for help.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Justanotherhuman • 57 followers