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Monolicle Potato
Community Member
Indubitably, I am here to have a Jolly Good Belly Laugh. Sounds like this: Ho Ho Ho! I say, anything offensive is unnecessary in the circumstances, unless deserved!You uncultured swine, I say I am a potato! I have never heard of this ‘Lemon’ object, and it certainly looks nothing like this!BTW, I read a profile of somebody I followed. I’m glad they consider me a friend. Go see them!Their name is Deku, with a fancy font a symbols. I would post a link, but I’m not good at that...So check my Pandas. Here is the names.
»»ᅳ꧁︎𝔇𝔢𝔨𝔲꧂ᅳ► : a friend I haven’t talked with in a while. Probably should, but I don’t wanna email them or disrupt a post...I don’t even have their email...
bon bon (still purple boi) : Ah, good as good is. Nice person, but hard to tell by looking at a screen. Best I have is what they comment.
That’s it. These people were one of the first two people on here I actually considered friends. They deserve to be mentioned.