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1 posts
6 points
I love reptiles??..
ReptileRuler • upvoted 34 items 2 years ago
Beauty, Fails
50 Times People Spotted Such Tragic Hairdo Accidents, They Just Had To Share Them In This Online Group
Hey, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
Needles. Like medical needles. I’m not anti vax, they just send me into a panic. It’s to the point that my doctor has put me on medication.Hey, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
I am scared of heights and I am claustrophobic. Turns out my younger sister has these same issues, and we never knew until we were adults.Hey, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
Being trapped somewhere in a tight space and not being able to escape and drowning.Hey, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
When we study (in Bible Study and Sunday School) how God answers our prayers: yes, no, I’ve got something better - I am overwhelmed with fear that it will be the second or third. I am finally happy with someone after so many years in a terrible marriage and am terrified that it will be taken away from me. I DON’T WANT SOMETHING BETTER!! I want what I’m having right now! Then I get scared that I’ll lose this happiness so God can use me as an example so that others will see that we need Him - I know, faulty thinking. This is truly the greatest fear I’ve ever had and I’ve had some really big things to be afraid of.Hey, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
Honestly I don’t think I’m afraid of anything anymore. Even heights. I love heights. I even love falling. It’s the landing part I’m not so keen onHey, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
That someone makes a device and reads my thoughts! There is some really messed up things up!Celebrating Pride Despite Our HOA Not Allowing Pride Flags. They Don’t Regulate Yard Lights Though, So... There’s Always A Loophole
Show All 34 Upvotes
ReptileRuler • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
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ReptileRuler • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
ReptileRuler • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Beauty, Fails
50 Times People Spotted Such Tragic Hairdo Accidents, They Just Had To Share Them In This Online Group
My Mum Allowed Me To Put Any Flag On My Wardrobe Doors Except For The Pride Flag. So, 241 Flags Later
Celebrating Pride Despite Our HOA Not Allowing Pride Flags. They Don’t Regulate Yard Lights Though, So... There’s Always A Loophole
Hey, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
Needles. Like medical needles. I’m not anti vax, they just send me into a panic. It’s to the point that my doctor has put me on medication.Hey, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
I am scared of heights and I am claustrophobic. Turns out my younger sister has these same issues, and we never knew until we were adults.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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