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5 posts
42 points
Hey pandas, my real name is Kaiden and these are some things about me.
-My favorite food is Pizza
-My favorite book series is Percy Jackson
-My favorite song is Falling by Trevor Daniel
-I love to read
-I'm 15
-I live in Iowa
Im a pretty chill guy so if you ever want to talk I'm open
DJ ASTRO • commented on 13 posts 1 year ago
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DJ ASTRO • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, If You Could Have One Wish, What Would It Be?
To just have just one person person in this fkn world who gets me, someone who I can actually be myself with... A kindred spirit so I don't have to face the world alone.... But to quote one of my favorite songs ..." The person I've been yourning for, for so long, doesn't really exist ,anywhere..."Hey Pandas, If You Could Have One Wish, What Would It Be?
That I could just eat whatever I want and stay really healthyHey Pandas, If You Could Have One Wish, What Would It Be?
No. I don't want a wish. I would spend way too long overthinking the potential disastrous ramifications of my wish, and I couldn't deal with that kind of pressure. I'm really bad at making decisions.Hey Pandas, What's The Cheesiest Pickup Line That Actually Worked?
I was a sophomore in college, and he was a freshman. We both lived in the dorm and had a morning astronomy class. I plotted my strategy for about a week before I made my move. I went old school, gender switch and asked if I could carry his books back to the dorm. Worked very well, we hit it off and dated until I graduated. We eventually drifted apart, long distance romances were hard back in the 80's.Show All 20 Upvotes
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DJ ASTRO • submitted 6 list additions 1 year ago
DJ ASTRO • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
DJ ASTRO • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Sad Anime Quotes
“How can you destroy a monster without becoming one?” – Kaneki, 'Tokyo Ghoul'RELATED: Top Action Anime Recommendations By Anime Fans
“If you keep on hiding your true feelings, who is going to be happy? If you are sad, you should say it out loud!” - Haruhi Fujioka, Ouran High School Host ClubAnime-Quotes
"Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger, as well as kinder." - Gildarts Clive, Fairy Tail DJ ASTRO • is following 11 people