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…In Utero…
Community Member
Hey, I’m Quinn but I go by In Utero online. I’m a 17 y/o male, I speak English and Russian. My favorite book is The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I collect records and love music. I sing, play electric guitar, drums, and write songs. I’m inspired by Kurt Cobain and i have two cats, Eden and Thorn. I live in NYC and work part time as a waiter where I serve people on roller skates. I like photography and I’ve won some awards. I like bands such as Nirvana, MSI, Gorillaz, Fleetwood Mac, Slipknot, Korn, Foo Fighters, Pisse, The Cure, Linkin Park and Blur. If you were wondering, I look like my profile picture. Catch you later.