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Tracey Hyde
Community Member
3 posts
276 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Tracey Hyde • upvoted 25 items 2 years ago
Architecture, Photography
I Travel Around Europe In Search Of The Most Beautiful Abandoned Places, Here Is What I Found (30 Pics)
Parenting, Relationships
‘Empty Nest’ Couple Gets Called Jerks For Not Allowing Friend’s Kids Over As They Consider Their House Not Safe For Children
Seafood. It stinks, it looks gross, and every time I've been convinced to try it it's been rank. My husband and I have agreed many times that we'd have to be starving to death before we ever considered seafood as a meal. I do not understand how anybody can enjoy it. It creates a visceral negative reaction in me.Five Guys
Five Guys. Not sure if it’s the same as in the US (I’m in the UK) or I just got a dodgy meal but it was just greasy overpriced mess.Popcorn
I don't think it sucks but I don't get why popcorn is so cherished. I don't like the flavor, the texture, or the f*****g kernels that get stuck in my teeth. The smell is always terrible to me and it lingers. But what I really hate is having to explain to people offering it to me that I actually don't like popcorn, no, I really don't, yes, even that type, yes it's a popular snack, no, I really don't like it.Hello There, Here's My Collection. It's Pretty Much Finished And I'm Super Proud Of It. Hope You Like It
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Tracey Hyde • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Tracey Hyde • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
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Tracey Hyde • submitted 3 new posts 6 years ago
Tracey Hyde • submitted 8 list additions 2 years ago
Tracey Hyde • submitted 12 list additions 3 years ago
Tracey Hyde • commented on 11 posts 2 years ago
Tracey Hyde • commented on 9 posts 3 years ago
Tracey Hyde • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Parenting, Relationships
‘Empty Nest’ Couple Gets Called Jerks For Not Allowing Friend’s Kids Over As They Consider Their House Not Safe For Children
I don't think it sucks but I don't get why popcorn is so cherished. I don't like the flavor, the texture, or the f*****g kernels that get stuck in my teeth. The smell is always terrible to me and it lingers. But what I really hate is having to explain to people offering it to me that I actually don't like popcorn, no, I really don't, yes, even that type, yes it's a popular snack, no, I really don't like it.Seafood
Seafood. It stinks, it looks gross, and every time I've been convinced to try it it's been rank. My husband and I have agreed many times that we'd have to be starving to death before we ever considered seafood as a meal. I do not understand how anybody can enjoy it. It creates a visceral negative reaction in me.Five Guys
Five Guys. Not sure if it’s the same as in the US (I’m in the UK) or I just got a dodgy meal but it was just greasy overpriced mess.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Tracey Hyde • 65 followers