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Öz Deniz Boro
Community Member

2 posts
423 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Öz Deniz Boro • commented on a post 3 weeks ago

Öz Deniz Boro • commented on a post 4 months ago

Öz Deniz Boro • upvoted 29 items 1 year ago

Illustrious_Town_163 reply
Driving. Maneuvering thousands of pounds of metal at speeds that can easily kill you and other people, yet we encourage people to do it before they can vote or drink or live alone, and at least in North America you’re seen as some sort of immature freak if you can’t or don’t want to.
xraig88 reply
Religion. That’s fine if you’re a believer and it brings you peace or purpose or whatever, but it’s really not for everyone.
spaceturtle1138 reply
Romantic relationships. So many people can't fathom the fact that I'm perfectly happy being single. I have a solid support network from my friends and family and feel perfectly content without a romantic relationship. I'm always happy for my friends who end up in good, loving relationships, but it's not something I am interested in.
sconnie64 reply
Homeownership. Some people just don't have the budgeting skills, willingness, time and knowledge to do maintenance, or the discipline necessary for homeownership.
Stock_Strawberry2306 reply
The whole “early bird gets the worm” mentality. Society tends to glorify being a morning person and waking up at the crack of dawn, but not everyone’s wired that way. Some of us are night owls who do our best work after midnight. So, let’s remember that not everyone thrives on the same schedule, and it’s okay to be a night-loving creature in a world that often praises the early risers. After all, owls are pretty cool too!
Louis-grabbing-pills reply
I used to believe that Marriage was a societal invention that really did not serve an important purpose. I decided at one point that I never wanted to get married. My views have evolved on this as I have aged. While I still believe that marriage, as an institution, is a societal invention, but it does serve an important purpose. It provides a default legal contract that defines the sharing of property and responsibilities. While this may sound trivial, it is not. This is particularly important for couples as they age, become sick, and die. It really defines how another person can make decisions on your behalf and benefit from a shared life. If you are to couple with another person, you should marry at some point.... You really don't need to have a wedding or even tell anyone. Just do it for the sake of your partner.

aSentientShadeOfBlue reply
Social Media. Imagine being a 6th grader and having people think you’re weird if you don’t have an Instagram. That s**t is poison. Wrecked our interpersonal skills. Ruined relationships. Perpetuated bullying into cyberspace when it used to end at the school day. Cemented embarrassment if you get recorded. The list goes on.
InsightfulBlonde reply
Having children.Connect_Office8072:
I worked for the State’s attorney in the Neglect and Abuse Division and I swear, you should need a test before you can become a parent.
I’m a woman who has never had that “motherly urge” and I never plan on having kids. People don’t seem to understand that can happen. It’s always “you’ll change your mind once you find the right person”.
No, my right person will feel the same as me. People want to change me, but I’ve always felt this way.

anon reply
Well, in Turkey my suggestion is that tourists should avoid hand gestures. Especially the one about stealing somebody's nose (like kids), the very same gesture means something like "f**k off" and people will not understand or try to listen your explanation. Also, asking if we are Arabs or riding camels etc. will offend a lot of people and not the best way to comunicate if you require some sort help or advice from them.
Kalsarikännit in Finnish. Literally "underwear drunk" , or more spesifically, "long john drunk". Meaning deliberately getting drunk alone at home in your underpants with zero plans of meeting anyone or going out. I think other nations do this as well, but don't have a word for it. Delightfully relaxing and therapeutic at times, slightly concerning if done exessively. At best a wonderful opportunity to touch base with your self, your life and your deepest thoughts and feelings. And/or watch that one cheesy comedy from 1992 you love but can't get any of your friends to watch with you because they have standards. At worst you wake up to an unholy mess accompanied by a killer headache, cheese all over the bed, cryptic messages on ripped up pieces of pizza box cardboard written by you to you all over the kitchen, and have nobody to blame than yourself. I've seen it translated somewhere as "pants drunk", but actual pants are much too fancy attire for this. For full experience you need to wear your most comfortable, decades old long johns that have holes and a weird stain that somehow never comes off in the wash.Show All 29 Upvotes

Öz Deniz Boro • commented on 9 posts 1 year ago
Show All 9 Comments

Öz Deniz Boro • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago

Öz Deniz Boro • submitted 14 list additions 2 years ago

Öz Deniz Boro • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago

Öz Deniz Boro • submitted a list addition 4 years ago

Öz Deniz Boro • commented on a post 3 weeks ago

Öz Deniz Boro • commented on a post 4 months ago

Öz Deniz Boro • commented on 18 posts 1 year ago

Öz Deniz Boro • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

sconnie64 reply
Homeownership. Some people just don't have the budgeting skills, willingness, time and knowledge to do maintenance, or the discipline necessary for homeownership.
Louis-grabbing-pills reply
I used to believe that Marriage was a societal invention that really did not serve an important purpose. I decided at one point that I never wanted to get married. My views have evolved on this as I have aged. While I still believe that marriage, as an institution, is a societal invention, but it does serve an important purpose. It provides a default legal contract that defines the sharing of property and responsibilities. While this may sound trivial, it is not. This is particularly important for couples as they age, become sick, and die. It really defines how another person can make decisions on your behalf and benefit from a shared life. If you are to couple with another person, you should marry at some point.... You really don't need to have a wedding or even tell anyone. Just do it for the sake of your partner.

Illustrious_Town_163 reply
Driving. Maneuvering thousands of pounds of metal at speeds that can easily kill you and other people, yet we encourage people to do it before they can vote or drink or live alone, and at least in North America you’re seen as some sort of immature freak if you can’t or don’t want to.
spaceturtle1138 reply
Romantic relationships. So many people can't fathom the fact that I'm perfectly happy being single. I have a solid support network from my friends and family and feel perfectly content without a romantic relationship. I'm always happy for my friends who end up in good, loving relationships, but it's not something I am interested in.
InsightfulBlonde reply
Having children.Connect_Office8072:
I worked for the State’s attorney in the Neglect and Abuse Division and I swear, you should need a test before you can become a parent.
I’m a woman who has never had that “motherly urge” and I never plan on having kids. People don’t seem to understand that can happen. It’s always “you’ll change your mind once you find the right person”.
No, my right person will feel the same as me. People want to change me, but I’ve always felt this way.

aSentientShadeOfBlue reply
Social Media. Imagine being a 6th grader and having people think you’re weird if you don’t have an Instagram. That s**t is poison. Wrecked our interpersonal skills. Ruined relationships. Perpetuated bullying into cyberspace when it used to end at the school day. Cemented embarrassment if you get recorded. The list goes on.
xraig88 reply
Religion. That’s fine if you’re a believer and it brings you peace or purpose or whatever, but it’s really not for everyone.
Stock_Strawberry2306 reply
The whole “early bird gets the worm” mentality. Society tends to glorify being a morning person and waking up at the crack of dawn, but not everyone’s wired that way. Some of us are night owls who do our best work after midnight. So, let’s remember that not everyone thrives on the same schedule, and it’s okay to be a night-loving creature in a world that often praises the early risers. After all, owls are pretty cool too!
anon reply
Well, in Turkey my suggestion is that tourists should avoid hand gestures. Especially the one about stealing somebody's nose (like kids), the very same gesture means something like "f**k off" and people will not understand or try to listen your explanation. Also, asking if we are Arabs or riding camels etc. will offend a lot of people and not the best way to comunicate if you require some sort help or advice from them.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Öz Deniz Boro • 65 followers