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Dens dance revolution
Community Member
1 posts
3 points
Puns lover, prefer sexy imagination and plays dirty.
Dens dance revolution • commented on a post 3 years ago
Dens dance revolution • upvoted 38 items 3 years ago
30 Punny Dad Jokes From This Instagram Account That Is Dedicated Exclusively To Them (New Pics)
Social Issues
Woman Calls 911, Tells Medics She Wants To Use Their Ambulance As An Uber - They Decide To Teach Her A Lesson
The instagram Kardashian body image crap. Those bodies are unachievable without surgery, money, trainers, chefs, etc. Cellulite and love handles exist. Eat healthy, exercise and love who you are with confidence.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Mommy wine culture. The normalization of needing to drink to tolerate your kids. As a mom who doesn't drink it seems like there is so much normalization of alcoholic behavior that it makes me sad.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Playing music or watching videos in public without headphones. If I go to a park or the beach I want to be able to hear the wind and waves and birds singing, not whatever obnoxious s**t you feel you have the right to subject everyone to.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
anti-vaccination. When vaccines were first discovered or developed or however you want to say it, they were mostly seen as a scientific break through. A great success. The wonders of man kinds great power and ingenuity. Polio? What polio? But now, it is trendy for many to be now smarter than several years of research and hard work. To know more in 10 minutes on YouTube then someone who has dedicated years of their life to study what other people before then also studied for years of their life and so on and so on. Years of human evolution, growth, study, break-throughs, accomplishments, ground to a halt by some jack wagon with a social media account.Show All 38 Upvotes
Dens dance revolution • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Dens dance revolution • submitted a new post 3 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Dens dance revolution • commented on a post 3 years ago
Dens dance revolution • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Social Issues
Woman Calls 911, Tells Medics She Wants To Use Their Ambulance As An Uber - They Decide To Teach Her A Lesson
Mommy wine culture. The normalization of needing to drink to tolerate your kids. As a mom who doesn't drink it seems like there is so much normalization of alcoholic behavior that it makes me sad.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Doing a stupid "challenge" that will end with one or more people injured, imprisoned, or worse.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Social media influencers asking for free items unsolicited, then when of course they decline they threaten to (and in some cases do) leave bad reviews forcing the company to have to respond to false allegations for no reason.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Influencers. I can't stand the term, it gives whatever dickhead thinks they are famous a feeling of superiority. Plus everyone seems to be an 'Influencer' and not actually engaging in proper life. GrrrAnnoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Basing your entire identity around political parties that don't even represent your interests.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Letting little kids have social media (unsupervised). They are not equipped to handle any of it. So many conflicts spawn out of it.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Words like "victim" and "survivor" being thrown around so much to the point where they are losing their meaning.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Playing music or watching videos in public without headphones. If I go to a park or the beach I want to be able to hear the wind and waves and birds singing, not whatever obnoxious s**t you feel you have the right to subject everyone to.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
The idea that every one of your hobbies needs to be turned into a side hustle. No one is allowed to simply have hobbies that they love, you have to strive to be good enough to monetize itThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Dens dance revolution • 5 followers