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jordan (pineapple he/she)
Community Member

alrighty then ma name is jordan i am genderfluid, polyromantic and ace, currently id rather yall use she/her or he/him with me. i am dating a wonderful person known as bee and i love them so very much. that should be all my dudes
shoutouts: Bee - best gf and best friend, Madally - great friend whos very fancy, June - your awesome dude
also btw im leaning a bit more into feminine side incase thats important, and oh jeez i wanna look like my pfp
heres a message from one of my great friends,
Hello loves, it's Madally. I left because with so many people getting caught, it stressed me out so much. I am so sorry guys. I feel terrible, but I had a panic attack today and didn't wanna delay it anymore. My parents tend to find out everything, so at least if they find out now I can honestly say and show them I left to avoid getting into huge trouble. I love you all so much and I am so sad to leave you guys. It just was terrible for my mental health and, when I started using it, I never intended to get to know people and get so well-known. I know, I hate having a conscience sometimes. I hope you guys can understand, I love all of you so so so much.
im making this a message for bee to read if they can over the summer
hey bee, uh i dont know how im gonna do this i dont have a plan so im just gonna write what i think. im still thinking about you and i cant wait to be able to talk once again. i know you said its long for you, well just dont worry about the time, itll go faster like that. ill be missing you a lot but thats okay. i want you to know we will be able to talk once again. i love you bee and i cant wait to talk to you again so see you soon my love.
hey so you just left, i know youll probably be back later today but if for some reason you cant just know im thinking about you right now. i cant wait for you to be back. im kinda sad but thats what happens when someone you love has to leave and so thats okay. i love you very much bee, good bye my love we will talk again.
ive been thinking of you a lot today, i actually cried like twice kinda about to right now but thats okay. soon enough we can talk again, soon. its okay to cry if you want to, ill be here waiting for you. im not going to lie im scared but thats okay i love you bee, i love you more than words can express
if you feel sad, or miss me i want you to remember that i love you and i care for you, and i trust you more than anyone else, talk to you soon my love
hey so i think things are gonna get better from here, yesterday we cried and thats okay, i know we will get through this, i know there will be times where we dont think so, we might think things cant get better but they will, soon they will, soon enough we'll be able to talk once again, i love you bee, cant wait to talk again my love
heya bee, we've been talking yesterday and that was awesome. i know now that things have to get better soon. im not really sure what to write today but i gotta keep doing these so remember to drink water. i love ya bee, cant wait to call once again my love
hey bee, im thinking about you a lot. im not sure what to do in this one, i dont have anything i think is good enough for your time. oh i got a joke, what kind of people couldnt be AI? nonbinary. i know, i got dumb jokes but people like them so i use them. well thats it for now. I love you Bee, always know im here for you, my love
your never gonna guess what im about to say, im never gonna give you up because i love you very much, im never gonna let you down because i care about you very much, im never gonna run around and desert you because you mean a lot to me, your welcome for totally not rickrolling you, i love ya bee.
heya, i am so so happy i fell in love with you. you have made me more confident, and overall happier in life. you are a great gf, and best friend, and person. sorry i didnt make a message yesterday i was a bit too tired. i love you bee, i think thats all for this message mi amor.
hey bee, im gonna get to the point here, when we were talking about that thing earlier today (im not saying bc i dont know if you wanna keep it private or not) it made me so so happy and ive been thinking about it ever since. i love loving you bee. i love you more than words can express. also i think im running out of space on here so i might have to delete some messages if im gonna do this all summer. goodbye mi amor, i love you very much.
hey, again im very sorry i didnt make one yesterday, i had completly forgotten to as i was distracted by what you were saying. speaking of that, mi amor you gave me so so many butterflies by saying it, and i loved that. i love you bee, see ya later mi amor.
hello bee, i want to do everything we have said we want to. i want to kiss you. i love you so much bee. i love talking to you, i love talking about the future with you. i think thats all for now, goodbye mi amor
hola bee, dude i love when you call me cute, and darling, and everything, i love it please keep doing it. i love you bee, i cant wait to finally meet you. adios mi amor
i am so lucky to have you bee, i love you so so much bee. i love to think about you and i love thinking about how amazing its going to be when we can finally kiss. you are an amazing gf and you have made my life so much happier. i love you and goodnight mi amor.
hello bee, you have helped me so much on this journey that is identity i am so so grateful for that. you have done so much for me, i feel like i need to do more for you but i dont know how so i do what i can. i love you bee, i cant wait for us to be able to talk as much as we used to. see you soon mi amor.
hey bee, i hope your having fun in cali. i love you very very much, i wish i could talk to you, i cant right now but thats okay. im thinkin about you a lot, and im wanting to kiss you. bye for now we'll talk later mi amor.
I love ya bee, how are you liking california? I hope it's good enough for you. im sorry i cant keep this up, i love you bee, i love you very much, im here for you mi amor

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Who's Your Celebrity Crush?
ryan reynoldss, alia bhatt, pedro pascal, liv pearsall, benji kroll, nadine breaty, jack stauber 💅
In Case You’re Having A Bad Day, Here Are 35 Hilarious Memes Shared By “Meme Lord” Instagram Account

In Case You’re Having A Bad Day, Here Are 35 Hilarious Memes Shared By “Meme Lord” Instagram Account