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David Dwyer
Community Member
1 posts
38 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
David Dwyer • commented on 25 posts 3 years ago
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
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David Dwyer • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
Rats are bisexual by nature and females will have group orgies with each other when in heat. Male's balls can take up 10% of their entire mass! There was a study where they put females in 'lingerie' and accustomed the males to it to the point they only saw the lingerie wearing rats as suitable mates. Rats can give into peer pressure and eat things they don't like if everyone else is eating it. Rats cannot burp or vomit. With the amount of people killing pest rats by poison, they are creating bigger, smarter, poison resistant mutant rats.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Rats are bisexual by nature and females will have group orgies with each other when in heat. Male's balls can take up 10% of their entire mass! There was a study where they put females in 'lingerie' and accustomed the males to it to the point they only saw the lingerie wearing rats as suitable mates. Rats can give into peer pressure and eat things they don't like if everyone else is eating it. Rats cannot burp or vomit. With the amount of people killing pest rats by poison, they are creating bigger, smarter, poison resistant mutant rats.Show All 3 Upvotes
David Dwyer • submitted a new post 3 years ago
David Dwyer • commented on 11 posts 4 years ago
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David Dwyer • submitted a new post 3 years ago
David Dwyer • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
David Dwyer • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
David Dwyer • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
Rats are bisexual by nature and females will have group orgies with each other when in heat. Male's balls can take up 10% of their entire mass! There was a study where they put females in 'lingerie' and accustomed the males to it to the point they only saw the lingerie wearing rats as suitable mates. Rats can give into peer pressure and eat things they don't like if everyone else is eating it. Rats cannot burp or vomit. With the amount of people killing pest rats by poison, they are creating bigger, smarter, poison resistant mutant rats. David Dwyer • upvoted 16 items 4 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Did As A Kid And Never Told Your Parents?
SO, when I was around 8, I was on a camping trip in the middle of nowhere. One night, we were going to make s'mores, and I was charged with bringing the marshmallows to the campfire. To get there, I had to walk through a really dark forest, and when you're 8, that can be traumatizing. Anyways, I got lost, and started freaking out. Eventually, I made my way to the campfire, and nobody was there. I started freaking out, because I was worried that they'd left me. So I made my way back to the campsite after getting lost a couple times. Once I got back, it was like everything was normal. Parents don't know to this day. Also look at #6. Similar to me.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Did As A Kid And Never Told Your Parents?
I used to stay up all watching things on my phone and I started getting into the habit again but I stopped.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
David Dwyer • 18 followers