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I am a Soldier, a Writer, and a Poet. I am a man with a wide range of skills.
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Dave • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Dave • commented on 39 posts 2 years ago
Doctors Share 33 Weird, Unworldly, And Seriously Concerning Things They've Heard From Pregnant Women
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Dave • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Doctors Share 33 Weird, Unworldly, And Seriously Concerning Things They've Heard From Pregnant Women
Dave • upvoted 9 items 2 years ago
Nemo1ner reply
We need to stop consuming animal products the way we currently are. It's absolutely unsustainable. The amount of downvotes this post will receive proves the title of this post. Dave • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
Children make me uncomfortable. With very few exceptions I find them creepy and weird and not at all attractive or emotionally appealing. Babies are generally hideous to me. They do not make me want to care for them, they make me want to get away from them as quickly as possible. I’d rather have someone hand me a tarantula. I believe having children is a privilege not a right. Parents should have to prove they deserve that privilege instead of deciding hey now I should have a baby. You have to have a driving license and insurance to have a car. You should have to have a baby license and insurance to have a baby. It should be difficult.Why-Not-To-Have-Kids-Answers
Oh SO many reasons. Where to begin. I am a woman, which means 100% of the physical aspects of pregnancy (extreme nausea, discomfort, pain, hormone imbalances, etc) and then labor which is widely recognized as one of the single most painful things the body can go through. Then once the baby is born you feed it with your boobs, and in many cases are the main caretaker, emotional support, time manager, cook, maid, and breadwinner for that human. I simply do not want to do ANY of that. For me personally, pregnancy and birth is the equivalent of body horror like the Saw movies, or most aptly, Alien! I grew up in a very culty evangelical church in the midst of Mormon Utah. So EVERYONE around has super conservative traditional values and woman’s sole purpose in life is to squeeze out kids. Not to have hopes and aspirations, careers, or anything like that. If you’re a woman where I’m from, you have to make your dream around having kids. You are only a womb and you must be owned by a man. I have a sensory processing disorder that makes me get very overwhelmed pretty easily. Kids are noisy and messy and stinky and fragile. And while I like kids, en masse they are REALLY hard for me to be around. Nothing about being a parent whatsoever appeals to me. I simply don’t want to do any of that. I absolutely love being able to go anywhere and do anything on a whim and I love my alone time. I have more than my share of physical and mental disorders I would never wish on another human. There are millions of orphans in the world - what about ME and my genes is so special that I have to create an entire new human from scratch? The world doesn’t need more people. I’m curious actually many people find making their own babies more important giving a home to child in need? (Not trying to be a dick or accusatory - genuinely curious. I know couples who’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments when that money could’ve just as easily gone to adopting a child.) FOR THE RECORD: this is solely my opinion. I don’t expect anyone to feel the same and I’m happy for people who love kids and want to have their own. Dave • upvoted 5 items 4 years ago
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