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no0neiv reply
There are so many wild things living in the microbiome of a human's skin. Demodex are a great example; little mites that live near human hair follicles. They look horrific and they feed off of sebum, sweat, dead skin etc.
Many things are localized too; the things living in your eyelash follicles are not the same as the ones living on your elbows. We're a whole universe, and even our skin is colonized by bizarre little f*****s
Edit; a lovely little quote I found online, about Demodex
"When you sleep, the mites come out of your skin’s pores, mate, then go back into your skin to lay eggs."
no0neiv reply
There are so many wild things living in the microbiome of a human's skin. Demodex are a great example; little mites that live near human hair follicles. They look horrific and they feed off of sebum, sweat, dead skin etc.
Many things are localized too; the things living in your eyelash follicles are not the same as the ones living on your elbows. We're a whole universe, and even our skin is colonized by bizarre little f*****s
Edit; a lovely little quote I found online, about Demodex
"When you sleep, the mites come out of your skin’s pores, mate, then go back into your skin to lay eggs."