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Bear Hall
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Methaphore_Brian reply
That I've seen old men whistle and harass 11-14 y.o girls! That happened to me as well, but I have the courage to call them out with people around. I can't imagine what shy 11 year old girls feel when they get treated that way. I'm fourteen but I've already got slapped on the butt by an older dude, and when I talk about it with people they say " Oh, you should have not dressed S O S L U T T Y " ( I literally wore a t-shirt and jeans )
Ps. And I know I'll get a response saying something in the lines of " oH bUt iT hApPeNs tO mEn tOo ", yes but come on! How many times have you seen a grown woman harass a tween boy, and how many times have you seen a man doing the same thing to a girl? That's like a 2:10 ratio, if not more.