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Come With Me
Community Member

1 posts
451 points
check us out on Instagram @comewithme_photo

Come With Me • commented on 2 posts 6 years ago

Come With Me • upvoted an item 6 years ago

Come With Me • commented on 35 posts 7 years ago
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Come With Me • upvoted 2 items 7 years ago

The ice dispenser broke at the fast food joint I used to work at. As a temporary fix while we waited for the repair guy to come take a look at it, we set out a giant serving bowl full of ice with tongs, so people could still ice their drinks. About 10 minutes after putting out the ice bowl, a customer comes up to me to complain that the machine isn't dispensing ice. I tell him, "We know. A repair guy was called, but he's not here yet. In the meantime, there's a bowl next to the soda fountain, so you can still get ice." The guy immediately gets an attitude about it. "How do I know that ice hasn't been sitting out there all day?" I stare at him for a good few seconds before saying, "Because it's still solid." "..." "If left out at room temperature 'old ice' would just be water." "I want to speak with your manager.
Come With Me • submitted a new post 8 years ago
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Come With Me • commented on 2 posts 6 years ago

Come With Me • commented on 18 posts 7 years ago

Come With Me • upvoted an item 6 years ago

Come With Me • upvoted 3 items 7 years ago

The ice dispenser broke at the fast food joint I used to work at. As a temporary fix while we waited for the repair guy to come take a look at it, we set out a giant serving bowl full of ice with tongs, so people could still ice their drinks. About 10 minutes after putting out the ice bowl, a customer comes up to me to complain that the machine isn't dispensing ice. I tell him, "We know. A repair guy was called, but he's not here yet. In the meantime, there's a bowl next to the soda fountain, so you can still get ice." The guy immediately gets an attitude about it. "How do I know that ice hasn't been sitting out there all day?" I stare at him for a good few seconds before saying, "Because it's still solid." "..." "If left out at room temperature 'old ice' would just be water." "I want to speak with your manager.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet