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Community Member
Drawing is my favorite hobby, i like to play sports such as- Basketball, American Football, and Baseball, and I love this website. I have two dogs where I live, I love them both equally, and to my fellow pandas, stay bored, and keep scrolling, and always, make sure unsee juice is on deck for posts.
Limesy2 reply
That the stereotypical Alien “encounter”, involving abduction, probing, and other experiments, are not aliens, but rather humans, from the future, coming back to try and figure out why we stopped being able to reproduce. Furthermore, that concludes that whatever brings about the potential fall of man has already begun.
Limesy2 reply
That the stereotypical Alien “encounter”, involving abduction, probing, and other experiments, are not aliens, but rather humans, from the future, coming back to try and figure out why we stopped being able to reproduce. Furthermore, that concludes that whatever brings about the potential fall of man has already begun.
modsonredditsuckdk reply
Human are nothing more than a virus destroying the larger organism earth. Earth will eventually get a fever in an attempt to rid herself of us.
LegitSkin reply
The reason we haven't found aliens is because any advanced civilization destroys itself.
birdinbynoon reply
There's plastic in our blood and every piece of tech listens to us.
And nobody really cares.
LegitSkin reply
The reason we haven't found aliens is because any advanced civilization destroys itself.
Limesy2 reply
That the stereotypical Alien “encounter”, involving abduction, probing, and other experiments, are not aliens, but rather humans, from the future, coming back to try and figure out why we stopped being able to reproduce. Furthermore, that concludes that whatever brings about the potential fall of man has already begun.
MaximumSeats reply
I love/hate the idea that the existence of the uncanny valley implies the existence of something that looks human but wasn't quite human and we needed to fear it.
birdinbynoon reply
There's plastic in our blood and every piece of tech listens to us.
And nobody really cares.
modsonredditsuckdk reply
Human are nothing more than a virus destroying the larger organism earth. Earth will eventually get a fever in an attempt to rid herself of us.
Grouchy_Ad_6202 reply
Colonization of Africa. Probably not the worst necessarily, but one with massive and far reaching implications.
An entire continent set back for generations socially, culturally, and economically.