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Coleen Clark
Community Member

1 posts
121 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Coleen Clark • commented on a post 1 year ago

Coleen Clark • submitted a list addition 1 year ago

Coleen Clark • upvoted an item 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing A Guest Did In Your House?
Not a guest, but an owner. A little old lady who begged me to come spend time with her in Vero Beach turned out a little different from who I thought she was. When I arrived the first day she had her whole dining room table covered in small items and statues and jewelry, (including a 3 carat diamond ring and some very lovely sapphire earrings) she was going to sell to an antique dealer, who was scheduled to come the following day. Next morning when I stepped out of the shower I found her in my room, my little jewelry case open and spilled over the bed, my wallet out of my purse. She said she wanted to see if there was anything the dealer would like from me too. I asked her to leave while I got dressed, locked the door, packed and left. I spent the day in the library downtown using their internet and found an Airbnb.
Coleen Clark • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago

Coleen Clark • upvoted 10 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, What's The Coolest Thing You’ve Ever Done?
Walked the Camino de Santiago from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port France to Cape Finisterre at the Atlantic Coast in Spain. Took me 2 months to backpack 840 kilometers, but I'm 65 and my little sister wanted her ashes at Cruz de Ferro, a large iron cross in the middle of the Camino walk. I'd never done anything like it before, and never thought I'd complete it, but she always believed in me. I met some fantastic people and found out I'm stronger than I thought.
Hey Pandas, What's The Coolest Thing You’ve Ever Done?
Walked the Camino de Santiago from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port France to Cape Finisterre at the Atlantic Coast in Spain. Took me 2 months to backpack 840 kilometers, but I'm 65 and my little sister wanted her ashes at Cruz de Ferro, a large iron cross in the middle of the Camino walk. I'd never done anything like it before, and never thought I'd complete it, but she always believed in me. I met some fantastic people and found out I'm stronger than I thought.
Hey Pandas, What's The Coolest Thing You’ve Ever Done?
Left my abusive ex after 20 years and multiple broken bones and scars, started a business and home schooled 4 children during the pandemic. It damn near killed me but success is better than revenge!
Hey Pandas, What Would You Do If Asked To Give Up Your Dream?
No one ever asked me but I've had to put it on hold more than once. I'm still working on my writing, I'd like to be published one day, however I've never had a ton of time dedicated to that. My life could have taken so many turns and some probably would have lead to something better but I don't have regrets. I loved every person I put my life on hold for, I still love them despite everything we all went through together. What it boiled down to was circumstance and responsibility. I took care of my mom and grandparents until I couldn't anymore. I wouldn't trade the time I had with them. Mom and Grandma are still alive, Grandpa passed in '17, it was hell sometimes but I still wouldn't trade it for any possible future where I didn't help them. I know there will be a possible comment that they're not my responsibility. None of them asked for what happened and most children who do take care of their parents don't have to worry about that at 18/19. Y'all don't know the circumstance and I do.
Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Hilarious Time When You Mistook Something For Paranormal?
I worked at a daycare in the early 2000s. Since I was in grad school, I’d open so I could go to my classes in the evening, which meant getting there at 5 to clean before the kids started arriving at 6. So, one morning I got there, it was dark, I’m alone, I’m turning on every light I can find, and I hear the most terrifying sound I’ve ever heard coming from the toddler room. So, I locked myself in the office until some other people get there (my army of 6-year-olds!). Then I went to see what it was. It was a Tickle Me Big Bird whose batteries had been ruined by going through the washing machine.
Hey Pandas, What Would You Do If Asked To Give Up Your Dream?
It depends. If it’s for a romantic partner or friend, no. (I feel like I might feel resentful and the relationship could easily turn toxic for both of us.) But, if the thing would bring me more joy than following my dream, I would.
Hey Pandas, What Would You Do If Asked To Give Up Your Dream?
The best thing about dreams it that you can always make new ones. Dreams are usually better than reality and I know some personality types often put them off or self sabotage if they get to close to achieving the dream. Once you have carried out your dream, what's next... You create a new dream. You don't know those kids. Even if they had turned out to be family, you have no obligation to care or provide for them. My (direct) cousins have kids that I have never met or even know their names, just because they are family doesn't mean I owe them anything. Not to mention the effect it could have on the kids, being moved (who knows how many hundreds of miles) to go and live with a complete strange 'just because they are family'! Away from their friends & school. You are obviously a good person for even considering the options. but if it was a vote, I'd vote you go go enjoy your well deserved holiday that you've spent your life working for!
Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Hilarious Time When You Mistook Something For Paranormal?
One time, at my in-laws' house, my husband's mom was saying how recently she had been hearing this low moaning sound every once in a while coming from somewhere in the living room. We stayed over for a while and sure enough, we too heard this odd sound coming from somewhere in the living room. We couldn’t place the sound but it was definitely eerie. Naturally, the conversation about the house being haunted started, but we decided it was probably something more realistic. This went on for a few days until one day she called us laughing uncontrollably. We asked what was so funny and she said the grandkids had come over for a visit, and the youngest, Charlie, wanted to play with his farm book. Now, this book was one of those interactive books where you press the animal and it makes a sound. He had left it in the toy box in the corner of the living room. He pulled it out and pressed the various animals only to discover most of them didn’t work, he pressed the cow and this low moaning sound came from the book. The batteries were so low from it being jammed in the toy box and being pushed up against another toy, it would go off occasionally, draining its battery. This farm book cow was the culprit for making the ghostly sounds! We laughed over it for years.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Secret Of Your Happiness?
I'm in that magical time of my life between retirement and hospice that is MINE. I can do whatever I want to. I have money coming in every month, can't get pregnant, and have lived long enough that I don't give a rat's ass what other people think. I sold everything except for 2 suitcases of clothes and I am travelling and volunteering all over the world. My secret? Have confidence in yourself, you are awesome!Show All 10 Upvotes

Coleen Clark • submitted a new post 3 years ago

Coleen Clark • commented on a post 3 years ago

Coleen Clark • submitted a new post 3 years ago

Coleen Clark • submitted a list addition 1 year ago

Coleen Clark • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago

Coleen Clark • commented on a post 1 year ago

Coleen Clark • commented on a post 3 years ago

Coleen Clark • upvoted an item 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing A Guest Did In Your House?
Not a guest, but an owner. A little old lady who begged me to come spend time with her in Vero Beach turned out a little different from who I thought she was. When I arrived the first day she had her whole dining room table covered in small items and statues and jewelry, (including a 3 carat diamond ring and some very lovely sapphire earrings) she was going to sell to an antique dealer, who was scheduled to come the following day. Next morning when I stepped out of the shower I found her in my room, my little jewelry case open and spilled over the bed, my wallet out of my purse. She said she wanted to see if there was anything the dealer would like from me too. I asked her to leave while I got dressed, locked the door, packed and left. I spent the day in the library downtown using their internet and found an Airbnb.
Coleen Clark • upvoted 10 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, What's The Coolest Thing You’ve Ever Done?
Walked the Camino de Santiago from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port France to Cape Finisterre at the Atlantic Coast in Spain. Took me 2 months to backpack 840 kilometers, but I'm 65 and my little sister wanted her ashes at Cruz de Ferro, a large iron cross in the middle of the Camino walk. I'd never done anything like it before, and never thought I'd complete it, but she always believed in me. I met some fantastic people and found out I'm stronger than I thought.
Hey Pandas, What's The Coolest Thing You’ve Ever Done?
Left my abusive ex after 20 years and multiple broken bones and scars, started a business and home schooled 4 children during the pandemic. It damn near killed me but success is better than revenge!
Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Hilarious Time When You Mistook Something For Paranormal?
I worked at a daycare in the early 2000s. Since I was in grad school, I’d open so I could go to my classes in the evening, which meant getting there at 5 to clean before the kids started arriving at 6. So, one morning I got there, it was dark, I’m alone, I’m turning on every light I can find, and I hear the most terrifying sound I’ve ever heard coming from the toddler room. So, I locked myself in the office until some other people get there (my army of 6-year-olds!). Then I went to see what it was. It was a Tickle Me Big Bird whose batteries had been ruined by going through the washing machine.
Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Hilarious Time When You Mistook Something For Paranormal?
One time, at my in-laws' house, my husband's mom was saying how recently she had been hearing this low moaning sound every once in a while coming from somewhere in the living room. We stayed over for a while and sure enough, we too heard this odd sound coming from somewhere in the living room. We couldn’t place the sound but it was definitely eerie. Naturally, the conversation about the house being haunted started, but we decided it was probably something more realistic. This went on for a few days until one day she called us laughing uncontrollably. We asked what was so funny and she said the grandkids had come over for a visit, and the youngest, Charlie, wanted to play with his farm book. Now, this book was one of those interactive books where you press the animal and it makes a sound. He had left it in the toy box in the corner of the living room. He pulled it out and pressed the various animals only to discover most of them didn’t work, he pressed the cow and this low moaning sound came from the book. The batteries were so low from it being jammed in the toy box and being pushed up against another toy, it would go off occasionally, draining its battery. This farm book cow was the culprit for making the ghostly sounds! We laughed over it for years.
Hey Pandas, What Would You Do If Asked To Give Up Your Dream?
No one ever asked me but I've had to put it on hold more than once. I'm still working on my writing, I'd like to be published one day, however I've never had a ton of time dedicated to that. My life could have taken so many turns and some probably would have lead to something better but I don't have regrets. I loved every person I put my life on hold for, I still love them despite everything we all went through together. What it boiled down to was circumstance and responsibility. I took care of my mom and grandparents until I couldn't anymore. I wouldn't trade the time I had with them. Mom and Grandma are still alive, Grandpa passed in '17, it was hell sometimes but I still wouldn't trade it for any possible future where I didn't help them. I know there will be a possible comment that they're not my responsibility. None of them asked for what happened and most children who do take care of their parents don't have to worry about that at 18/19. Y'all don't know the circumstance and I do.
Hey Pandas, What Would You Do If Asked To Give Up Your Dream?
It depends. If it’s for a romantic partner or friend, no. (I feel like I might feel resentful and the relationship could easily turn toxic for both of us.) But, if the thing would bring me more joy than following my dream, I would.
Hey Pandas, What Would You Do If Asked To Give Up Your Dream?
The best thing about dreams it that you can always make new ones. Dreams are usually better than reality and I know some personality types often put them off or self sabotage if they get to close to achieving the dream. Once you have carried out your dream, what's next... You create a new dream. You don't know those kids. Even if they had turned out to be family, you have no obligation to care or provide for them. My (direct) cousins have kids that I have never met or even know their names, just because they are family doesn't mean I owe them anything. Not to mention the effect it could have on the kids, being moved (who knows how many hundreds of miles) to go and live with a complete strange 'just because they are family'! Away from their friends & school. You are obviously a good person for even considering the options. but if it was a vote, I'd vote you go go enjoy your well deserved holiday that you've spent your life working for!
Hey Pandas, What Is The Secret Of Your Happiness?
I'm in that magical time of my life between retirement and hospice that is MINE. I can do whatever I want to. I have money coming in every month, can't get pregnant, and have lived long enough that I don't give a rat's ass what other people think. I sold everything except for 2 suitcases of clothes and I am travelling and volunteering all over the world. My secret? Have confidence in yourself, you are awesome!This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Coleen Clark • 11 followers