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⬆️ thats where you should contact me if you really want too, I’m most active there

Coding_Bean • upvoted an item 2 years ago

Coding_Bean • upvoted 34 items 3 years ago

If My Grandma Was Still Alive, She’d Be Doing The Same Thing, But Then I Wouldn’t Have Her As My Guardian Angel, So I Guess It’s Even

Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
CG5 and JTmusic. My world would be a lot sadder without them. Also dnf. It makes me happy.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
In the late 1950s, I was the first child, grandchild, niece, etc. The world revolved around me and life was grand! Then, two months before I turned 2yo, I was given a baby sister. No one had asked if I wanted one. She was just suddenly there. My replacement. Obviously. • ● • Everyone I loved constantly told me that, as The Big Sister, I "knew better." They all believed that I had this weird power. • ● • But I didn't, and I was terrified they'd discover that, in reality, I DIDN'T know better! I didn't have a freakin' clue! It only got worse as three more siblings appeared over the years. • ● • With each milestone, if I made any kind of mistake, I was reminded that I knew better. You're a big kindergartener now, you know better than that! You're 13yo now, You Know Better! • ● • Since I'd always known better, I didn't dare ask for instructions or guidance. For anything. Not even as the new mom of a newborn that cried continuously. If I did, they'd realize that I was a fake all along! (This was way before post-partum depression was recognized as a reality. The internet and its wealth of information did not exist.) • ● • While it's getting easier, it's still hard to ask for any kind of input from someone. The fear of being found out and ridiculed still rears its ugly head, even tho I long ago accepted that, unfortunately, I am NOT magic. • ● •
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Michael Joseph Jackson. Always playing his music. Always. I am a hardcore fan now. Nintendo. Xbox That Sonic The Hedgehog tv show with Jaleel White Books. Instead of being glued to electronics everywhere, it was books. Big, Heavy, long books. Dole fruit cups Full House Harry Potter Rainbow loom bracelets. You know, those rubber band bracelets? I was really hardcore about that. Crazy loud music, and dancing, and pastelitos at family parties (My Mom is Cuban) There's so much more family memories, just to much to write
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Listening to Taylor Swift and Eminem in the car.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
My brothers death in car crash when I was six Me and my sis Messing about on the roof of our aunts flat Asking and asking for a Harry Potter book set, then finally getting one and rereading them three times in 2 weeks. When I was 9, I had been begging and begging my mum and dad to get me a dog. They finally got me one when I was ten. My reaction: 🤔😱😶😐🤑🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
On Saturday nights my father would go to the corner candy store around midnight to buy the Sunday paper. When he got it home, he would go to the kitchen to read the serious news sections and give the comics to my mother. My brother and I had our Saturday night bath. Our hair was washed. We had on fresh pajamas. My mother put fresh sheets on the beds. My brother sat on one side of my mother and I sat on the other while she read us the comics, doing all the sound effects. She explained what whoosh lines meant, what it meant when gnats flew out of wallets, what it meant when there were drops coming out of people's heads. It was heaven. That's how I learned to love reading and why I still love reading.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
The Beatles on Ed Sullivan, Sunday night, 7:00 P.M., February 9, 1964, changed my world! Everything in every day life fell away and showed me music & fun! Over night there was more to life than dad going to work every day, mom always cleaning, me spending every day in school. Suddenly, there was a whole universe of possibilities, and all the music over the entire world became available and accessible. “I Wanna Hold Your Hand . . . .” Thanks, guys! (And I'm still playing & singing!)
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Okay so, when i was younger, my dad would yell at my brothers a lot, and sometimes my mom too. And I guess that just made me not to get yelled at and made me scared whenever someone would yell. For example: one time I was in school (7th grade) a teacher asked me where I was going in a really loud and mad voice. I thought it was my dad for a second and I started crying and panicking. I’ve started recovering since then, and I’m slowly starting to stand up for myself more, but yelling definitely shaped me as a child… I had lots of panic attacks when people yelled too… I’m having less of them, fortunately. Anyways, thats my story I guess.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
- Siblings (I have 5) - Imagination - Art - Food - Grandma - Scaring the crap out of my parent by accidentally sleeping in very hard places to find
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
The love of all kinds of music my mother passed down to us kids. Everything from big band/swing, to singers like Engelbert Humperdinck, Tom Jones, Petula Clark to The Who , The Rolling Stones (her favourite rock band), to Motown, and then some. When one of my brothers bought an album by The Tubers - he had her listen to a song they sang in Spanish. She liked it. When I bought a record by The Police, the same brother teased me, skk ok my mom told him to shut up, and leave the room so she could hear them sing. She said some of their tunes sounded reggae, but it was good. When MTV actually played music videos, she would stay up late catching up on laundry, and watch tv . Mind you, at the time she was in her 70’s, and going strong. One night (in the wee hours), she woke me and said “they’re playing a video of a bunch of men wearing dresses in a boat in a pretend swamp. Come tell me who it is “ I got up, and it was The Red Hot Chili Peppers. She loved her Tejano music, and classic Mexican songs. She had a beautiful voice. When dementia took her, she could still remember all the words to all the songs she ever sang. But she still didn’t know who I was. Our last moment together was her laying in her hospital bed at home, us holding hands, and singing “Miss You” by The Rolling Stones. Her favourite song by them.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Having to study the Bible and other texts in Sunday School got me interested in thinking about the big questions of life: where did we come from and why, what's the purpose of human life, is there a natural, universal foundation of morals for humankind, is there a realization of reality that's greater and more true than what I've always considered to be real, what happens at death, etc. I eventually stopped going to Sunday School, but stayed interested in such questions, the study of which has been truly fascinating.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
It was 7 in the evening. My younger bother and I were in bed. I was 6, he was 3. My parents had guests for dinner and my brother and I were playing in bed. My father stormed up the stairs, shouting that we were being too noisy. He grabbed me, threw me against the wall and went back downstairs.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
I was 6 years old. Our family went on holiday to Wales, in the car. My younger brother and I were in the back seat and after 3 hours started fighting. My father stopped the car, opened the back door, pulled me out and drove off. I WAS 6 YEARS OLD!!!!
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
There are so many carry over's from my childhood. One I'll do to my dieing day. We never left the house, ever, without a sturdy piece of cardboard with our name, address and phone number in one of our pockets. I always have I.D. on my person. My momma, she didn't pull any punches. When I asked her why, she said she didn't want to have to identify my (our bodies, brother & sister's) body at the morgue if anything ever happened to use. Back in the day, she also made sure we had money for the payphone, if we ever needed to call home. Miss you Momma.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Being bullied all day at school, coming home and being bullied by my older sister.It was hell.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Adoptee here. Born and raised in 70’s. What dramatically shaped my childhood was my mother constantly reminding me that she could and would, “take me back where I came from”. I was very well provided for and most people would say I was, “spoiled”. They knew my mother was a little high strung but no one knew how insidious her abuse really was. One example is she angrily packed my suitcase one day to send me “back” and told me that she wouldn’t need to pack me any dresses because I wouldn’t need anything nice where I was going. My daddy came home and had a FIT. My dad was my lifeline when I was growing up taking me with him everywhere. Even just going outside to change the oil or mow the lawn with him helped ease my nerves. I should mention that this daddy is not the one that adopted me! He’s the one my mom married after my original dad passed away. He was/is the best man I have ever known. I gave him a kidney in 2009.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
When my mother asks me why I am not as pretty or as bright as my classmate. It shaped my entire childhood with low self esteem to the point where there are times when the default action was doing what she wanted me to do rather than me, being reasonably independent.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Before moving: Playing on my grandparents' house's roof with both my cousins and other friends when I was 3/4 yo. After moving: Watching morning cartoons on Cartoon Network while mum fed me breakfast, and waiting additional 30 mins after school with her so that we could walk home together.Show All 34 Upvotes

Coding_Bean • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago
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Coding_Bean • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago

Coding_Bean • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago

Coding_Bean • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

If My Grandma Was Still Alive, She’d Be Doing The Same Thing, But Then I Wouldn’t Have Her As My Guardian Angel, So I Guess It’s Even

Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Before moving: Playing on my grandparents' house's roof with both my cousins and other friends when I was 3/4 yo. After moving: Watching morning cartoons on Cartoon Network while mum fed me breakfast, and waiting additional 30 mins after school with her so that we could walk home together.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Being in the yard with the other kids from my apartment block
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Having to study the Bible and other texts in Sunday School got me interested in thinking about the big questions of life: where did we come from and why, what's the purpose of human life, is there a natural, universal foundation of morals for humankind, is there a realization of reality that's greater and more true than what I've always considered to be real, what happens at death, etc. I eventually stopped going to Sunday School, but stayed interested in such questions, the study of which has been truly fascinating.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
On Saturday nights my father would go to the corner candy store around midnight to buy the Sunday paper. When he got it home, he would go to the kitchen to read the serious news sections and give the comics to my mother. My brother and I had our Saturday night bath. Our hair was washed. We had on fresh pajamas. My mother put fresh sheets on the beds. My brother sat on one side of my mother and I sat on the other while she read us the comics, doing all the sound effects. She explained what whoosh lines meant, what it meant when gnats flew out of wallets, what it meant when there were drops coming out of people's heads. It was heaven. That's how I learned to love reading and why I still love reading.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
The Beatles on Ed Sullivan, Sunday night, 7:00 P.M., February 9, 1964, changed my world! Everything in every day life fell away and showed me music & fun! Over night there was more to life than dad going to work every day, mom always cleaning, me spending every day in school. Suddenly, there was a whole universe of possibilities, and all the music over the entire world became available and accessible. “I Wanna Hold Your Hand . . . .” Thanks, guys! (And I'm still playing & singing!)
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
The love of all kinds of music my mother passed down to us kids. Everything from big band/swing, to singers like Engelbert Humperdinck, Tom Jones, Petula Clark to The Who , The Rolling Stones (her favourite rock band), to Motown, and then some. When one of my brothers bought an album by The Tubers - he had her listen to a song they sang in Spanish. She liked it. When I bought a record by The Police, the same brother teased me, skk ok my mom told him to shut up, and leave the room so she could hear them sing. She said some of their tunes sounded reggae, but it was good. When MTV actually played music videos, she would stay up late catching up on laundry, and watch tv . Mind you, at the time she was in her 70’s, and going strong. One night (in the wee hours), she woke me and said “they’re playing a video of a bunch of men wearing dresses in a boat in a pretend swamp. Come tell me who it is “ I got up, and it was The Red Hot Chili Peppers. She loved her Tejano music, and classic Mexican songs. She had a beautiful voice. When dementia took her, she could still remember all the words to all the songs she ever sang. But she still didn’t know who I was. Our last moment together was her laying in her hospital bed at home, us holding hands, and singing “Miss You” by The Rolling Stones. Her favourite song by them.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
There are so many carry over's from my childhood. One I'll do to my dieing day. We never left the house, ever, without a sturdy piece of cardboard with our name, address and phone number in one of our pockets. I always have I.D. on my person. My momma, she didn't pull any punches. When I asked her why, she said she didn't want to have to identify my (our bodies, brother & sister's) body at the morgue if anything ever happened to use. Back in the day, she also made sure we had money for the payphone, if we ever needed to call home. Miss you Momma.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Being bullied all day at school, coming home and being bullied by my older sister.It was hell.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
When my mother asks me why I am not as pretty or as bright as my classmate. It shaped my entire childhood with low self esteem to the point where there are times when the default action was doing what she wanted me to do rather than me, being reasonably independent.
Hey Pandas, What Was Something That Shaped Your Childhood?
Adoptee here. Born and raised in 70’s. What dramatically shaped my childhood was my mother constantly reminding me that she could and would, “take me back where I came from”. I was very well provided for and most people would say I was, “spoiled”. They knew my mother was a little high strung but no one knew how insidious her abuse really was. One example is she angrily packed my suitcase one day to send me “back” and told me that she wouldn’t need to pack me any dresses because I wouldn’t need anything nice where I was going. My daddy came home and had a FIT. My dad was my lifeline when I was growing up taking me with him everywhere. Even just going outside to change the oil or mow the lawn with him helped ease my nerves. I should mention that this daddy is not the one that adopted me! He’s the one my mom married after my original dad passed away. He was/is the best man I have ever known. I gave him a kidney in 2009.
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