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imp (any pronouns)
Community Member

29 posts
10.9K points
Hello people and non-people! I'm Imp, the site's local idiot. Any pronouns are ok for me :)
I've removed my email for privacy reasons. If you've contacted me already, you can continue to do so :)
I'm on this site only for my friends, but you may see me around several community submissions.
Well, that should be all. I'm pretty boring. Bye!!!

imp (any pronouns) • commented on a post 10 months ago

imp (any pronouns) • upvoted an item 10 months ago

imp (any pronouns) • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
Show All 3 Comments

imp (any pronouns) • upvoted 35 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
Going blind. I'm very visually oriented, like towards art, nature, reading, so not being able to see would really wreck that. Also, I don't like being reliant on other people, so that's a big factor.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
seeing suffering from illness. like if I'm in a hospital and there are screaming parents trying to save their kid. I think it came from the pandemic, so maybe it's really the fear of an unknown death?
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
Being raped and murdered while I'm still a kid. (Or any other time, but especially now)
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
Losing my cool and saying things id regret to people i care about
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
This could be called a cliche, but death. The idea of the unknown just terrifies me.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
My deepest fear is that all of the people I love (friends, family, partners, etc) secretly just don't like me....
What’s Your Opinion On The Events In Gaza?
There is no right side. Atrocities committed by Palestine and Israel. There has to be a cease fire, continuing the fight does no one any good.
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Hurtful Thing You've Ever Realized But Had To Keep It As A Secret?
My parents hate me. I'm terrible and a disappointment to them. But I can't say that, because then I look delusional because of how much of an effort they put up to look normal from the outside. I'm trapped and hated and idk if I'll make it out. The only people who love me? Don't even know me in person.
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing That Made You Laugh?
A bluey episode- born yesterday. The whole thing is great, but there's one specific line I love that makes me laugh every time. "Don't worry about the sun. It's meant to be there."
Whats The Most Hurtful Thing You Have Ever Realized But Had To Keep It As A Secret?
i found out that i was the least favorite child. all parents SHOULD like all of their children equally. unfortunately, mine dont. i figured this out when i was way younger. it was things as small as getting toys and other things for my younger siblings right in front of me(no occasion whatsoever, and it was right in front of me too.), to things as big as rating me as if i was an amazon review(i got a 2/5 stars :/) and lunging across the table because i blinked too hard(i wish i was joking. i so very wish i was) i have tried confronting them, but i was met with responses practically deflecting my problem, and i was basically ignored. so i guess i just stopped and kept it a secret, since they keep forgetting all my problems anywaysShow All 35 Upvotes

imp (any pronouns) • submitted 20 new posts 1 year ago

imp (any pronouns) • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago

imp (any pronouns) • commented on a post 10 months ago

imp (any pronouns) • commented on 19 posts 1 year ago

imp (any pronouns) • upvoted an item 10 months ago

imp (any pronouns) • upvoted 19 items 1 year ago

What’s Your Opinion On The Events In Gaza?
There is no right side. Atrocities committed by Palestine and Israel. There has to be a cease fire, continuing the fight does no one any good.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
seeing suffering from illness. like if I'm in a hospital and there are screaming parents trying to save their kid. I think it came from the pandemic, so maybe it's really the fear of an unknown death?
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
Losing my cool and saying things id regret to people i care about
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
Going blind. I'm very visually oriented, like towards art, nature, reading, so not being able to see would really wreck that. Also, I don't like being reliant on other people, so that's a big factor.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
Being raped and murdered while I'm still a kid. (Or any other time, but especially now)
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
This could be called a cliche, but death. The idea of the unknown just terrifies me.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Deepest Darkest Fear?
My deepest fear is that all of the people I love (friends, family, partners, etc) secretly just don't like me....
imp (any pronouns) • is following 53 people

imp (any pronouns) • 96 followers