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Zaneta Berkyova-Vasilenkova
Community Member

This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

This Is Aretha, A Rescue Cow. She Groomed My Legs With Her Tongue Then Fell Asleep. She’s A Good Girl

This will get buried but oh well. About a year ago, I was in a café, just eating lunch when I overhear 2 French girls sitting next to me, talking about boys and stuff like that, nothing out of the ordinary. Then, one of them looks at me and says in French "That guy [me] is really cute. I want his number." 5 minutes later I go to leave and say (in French) "Thanks, I think you're cute too, I can give you my number if you still want it." She gets so embarrased while her friend is laughing her ass off. I gave her my number, and the girl is my girlfriend now.
"I Made A Scrape On a Stranger’s Tail Light While Parallel Parking Yesterday. Today I Got This Text"

Belgian Guy Documents Ugly Houses He Sees And They’re So Bad, It’s Hilarious (45 New Pics)

'He Was So Terrified When We Brought Him Home 2 Days Ago:' Man 'Rescues' An Abandoned Skeleton Decoration

Found The Oddest But Most Perfect Leash/Lead For Our Little Dachshund Today In The Local Charity Shop

I have a tiny computer that is extraordinarily powerful, fits in my hand, and has access to the sum total of all human knowledge since the dawn of time, and I use it to watch funny animal videos.
Older man, terminally ill. New Years eve. Presented to the ER in the company of a hooker. He had a finishing nail in his erect penis. He was in to penile sounding. He says, "Well, there was nothin' else layin' round. And I'm so f***ed up and can't feel a thing." Indeed, he was f***ed up. Cocaine, alcohol, mdma, viagra and some hydrocodone. Poor dude just wanted one last rager. I told him, "Wood is just a euphemism, man. Don't shove sharp things up your pee-hole." He took it in stride. He was in the hospital for two days. The hooker basically stayed with him the entire time. Come to find out, she was only one of the three hookers he had paid. She wasn't even the one who shoved the nail up there. I thought it odd that she hung around until he told me how much he had paid them. Turns out the other two were hanging out at his house waiting for his return. I visited him before he was discharge. Dude popped some x right in front me and says, "Just gettin' a head start. No more sharp [crap]. I promise, Doc."

This Is Aretha, A Rescue Cow. She Groomed My Legs With Her Tongue Then Fell Asleep. She’s A Good Girl

This will get buried but oh well. About a year ago, I was in a café, just eating lunch when I overhear 2 French girls sitting next to me, talking about boys and stuff like that, nothing out of the ordinary. Then, one of them looks at me and says in French "That guy [me] is really cute. I want his number." 5 minutes later I go to leave and say (in French) "Thanks, I think you're cute too, I can give you my number if you still want it." She gets so embarrased while her friend is laughing her ass off. I gave her my number, and the girl is my girlfriend now.
"I Made A Scrape On a Stranger’s Tail Light While Parallel Parking Yesterday. Today I Got This Text"

Belgian Guy Documents Ugly Houses He Sees And They’re So Bad, It’s Hilarious (45 New Pics)

'He Was So Terrified When We Brought Him Home 2 Days Ago:' Man 'Rescues' An Abandoned Skeleton Decoration

Found The Oddest But Most Perfect Leash/Lead For Our Little Dachshund Today In The Local Charity Shop