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Chris D'Asta
Community Member
49 years on earth, still fumbling. Well read but the world often cancels out intelligence. Graphic designer, 3D artist and animator. Musician and old school punk.
FattyMcTons reply
Got a cancer diagnosis in January. I had just started dating this woman, she came with me to my first appointment for chemo. I'm thinking to myself as I'm sitting there, this is it she is gonna bail so quick once the side effects start. She was there for me. Every. Single. Time. Made it through the treatments, and now I'm cancer free and married her in August.
Irresponsable_Frog reply
I’m a kind person but my guy? He’s a GOOD man. No one will scroll far enough to read this so why not brag on him.
My partner is almost 50, big quiet man. Been working in construction for over 30 years. He hires subs to do a lot of the specialized jobs, like painters. He’s been hiring these painters as long as he’s been in the business. About a week or so ago, the owners of the home they are building were having a party holiday party for the crew, interior designer, and architect. My partner got an igloo mug and Christmas card, inside was a nice bonus, in cash. He thanked them and went to check on the rest of the crew. He noticed all the “main” crew got the igloo mug and a card, with some cash, except the 5 painters. They just got igloo mugs, which is fine, the owners didn’t need to give anyone ANYTHING that’s on the business they work for. But my guy knows these guys. This year they had lost the owner of the painting business and the father of one of them. 2 of the guys just started families. They are like his main crew! He took his bonus, gave each of them some of the money and wished them a Merry Christmas. They tried to refuse. They told him they were fine. But my quiet guy, did what he does best, ignored them and walked off. No need for props or thank yous. Just a good heart.
Reidroshdy reply
I have no desire to go skydiving or anything else where I am very high up and only have a little bit of safety equipment to help me out.
The_Pixel_Knight reply
I'll never drink Prime. I see kids drinking it and feel bad they've been brainwashed by a serial scammer.
CampClear reply
Go to a high school reunion! High school was a miserable experience for me and I have no desire to relive it.
naughty-Girlxo22 reply
Run a marathon. I’ve never voluntarily run 26 miles, and I’m not about to start unless there’s free pizza at every mile marker.
candyfloss_noodle reply
I am proud to say I have never seen a single episode of the bachelor/bachelorette, the Kardashians or any of the real housewives. Zero interest.
spiralout1123 reply
TikTok. I’ve made it this far not watching the videos people send me, why start now.
Redmen1212 reply
Climb Mt. Everest. There’s nothing, from the chance of death, to the crazy heights, to the thin air, to the sleeping in a tent for 3 months in zero degree weather that is remotely attractive to me.
Irresponsable_Frog reply
I’m a kind person but my guy? He’s a GOOD man. No one will scroll far enough to read this so why not brag on him.
My partner is almost 50, big quiet man. Been working in construction for over 30 years. He hires subs to do a lot of the specialized jobs, like painters. He’s been hiring these painters as long as he’s been in the business. About a week or so ago, the owners of the home they are building were having a party holiday party for the crew, interior designer, and architect. My partner got an igloo mug and Christmas card, inside was a nice bonus, in cash. He thanked them and went to check on the rest of the crew. He noticed all the “main” crew got the igloo mug and a card, with some cash, except the 5 painters. They just got igloo mugs, which is fine, the owners didn’t need to give anyone ANYTHING that’s on the business they work for. But my guy knows these guys. This year they had lost the owner of the painting business and the father of one of them. 2 of the guys just started families. They are like his main crew! He took his bonus, gave each of them some of the money and wished them a Merry Christmas. They tried to refuse. They told him they were fine. But my quiet guy, did what he does best, ignored them and walked off. No need for props or thank yous. Just a good heart.
FattyMcTons reply
Got a cancer diagnosis in January. I had just started dating this woman, she came with me to my first appointment for chemo. I'm thinking to myself as I'm sitting there, this is it she is gonna bail so quick once the side effects start. She was there for me. Every. Single. Time. Made it through the treatments, and now I'm cancer free and married her in August.