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4 points
Hey im Tilly!! My Favorite show is SHE-RA!!
Tillytulip • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Tillytulip • upvoted 4 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Learned Or Achieved During Quarantine That Would Not Have Been Done If It Weren't For The Pandemic?
Usually I would say politics but I learned that homeschool isn't as easy as most people would think (or say) it is.Hey Pandas, Write A Poem, See If You Can Give Us Feels
Roses are red emeralds are green just like your eyes so green they make me feel so serene I am scared to tell you how I feel scared of rejection I'm scared you'll throw me into the trash can like a banana peel you make my heart beat u n s t e a d y when you stare at me get a clue or come through I would like to be with you I like you but I cant tell that your off limits I cant keep doing this I fall head over heels for you only you forever you - love, StarHey Pandas, What Is Something You Learned Or Achieved During Quarantine That Would Not Have Been Done If It Weren't For The Pandemic?
Usually I would say politics but I learned that homeschool isn't as easy as most people would think (or say) it is.Hey Pandas, Write A Poem, See If You Can Give Us Feels
Roses are red emeralds are green just like your eyes so green they make me feel so serene I am scared to tell you how I feel scared of rejection I'm scared you'll throw me into the trash can like a banana peel you make my heart beat u n s t e a d y when you stare at me get a clue or come through I would like to be with you I like you but I cant tell that your off limits I cant keep doing this I fall head over heels for you only you forever you - love, StarShow All 4 Upvotes
Tillytulip • started following 2 people 3 years ago
Tillytulip • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago
Tillytulip • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Tillytulip • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Tillytulip • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Tillytulip • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago
Tillytulip • upvoted 4 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Learned Or Achieved During Quarantine That Would Not Have Been Done If It Weren't For The Pandemic?
Usually I would say politics but I learned that homeschool isn't as easy as most people would think (or say) it is.Hey Pandas, Write A Poem, See If You Can Give Us Feels
Roses are red emeralds are green just like your eyes so green they make me feel so serene I am scared to tell you how I feel scared of rejection I'm scared you'll throw me into the trash can like a banana peel you make my heart beat u n s t e a d y when you stare at me get a clue or come through I would like to be with you I like you but I cant tell that your off limits I cant keep doing this I fall head over heels for you only you forever you - love, Star Tillytulip • 126 followers