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I own two quail. The profile picture is a photo of them when they were younger :)
Solidarity for Ukraine and Israel!
LFP_Gaming_Official reply
Whilst driving on the highway, I stumbled upon some pretty big rocks in the middle of the road (luckily I had my high-beams on), and I had to come to a full-stop in the middle of the highway. There wasn't an embankment anywhere near me and this wasn't a rocky area so I was initially puzzled as to where the rocks had come from... then I noticed a guy in my rear-view mirror coming out of the bushes... It was at this exact moment where I was like 'we need to leave, now!'. I threw my car into reverse and gunned it... nearly drove over the guy in the road behind me; did a j-turn and drove in the opposite direction on travel on the highway until I found an offramp. This was about 11pm at night on a segment of the highway which is notorious for hi-jackers. Turns out that the hi-jackers place massive rocks in the road at night and when you drive head-long into the rocks and get out of your car to inspect the damage, they then pop out of the bushes and rob you at gun-point, and drive off with your car if it is still driveable. Luckely I wasn't a victim that night. God only knows what they would have done to my gf. Good old S**thole Africa.
LFP_Gaming_Official reply
Whilst driving on the highway, I stumbled upon some pretty big rocks in the middle of the road (luckily I had my high-beams on), and I had to come to a full-stop in the middle of the highway. There wasn't an embankment anywhere near me and this wasn't a rocky area so I was initially puzzled as to where the rocks had come from... then I noticed a guy in my rear-view mirror coming out of the bushes... It was at this exact moment where I was like 'we need to leave, now!'. I threw my car into reverse and gunned it... nearly drove over the guy in the road behind me; did a j-turn and drove in the opposite direction on travel on the highway until I found an offramp. This was about 11pm at night on a segment of the highway which is notorious for hi-jackers. Turns out that the hi-jackers place massive rocks in the road at night and when you drive head-long into the rocks and get out of your car to inspect the damage, they then pop out of the bushes and rob you at gun-point, and drive off with your car if it is still driveable. Luckely I wasn't a victim that night. God only knows what they would have done to my gf. Good old S**thole Africa.