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Chase • commented on a post 1 year ago

Chase • upvoted an item 1 year ago

Chase • upvoted 11 items 2 years ago
Show All 11 Upvotes

Chase • commented on 23 posts 2 years ago

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
Show All 23 Comments

Chase • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

Chase • upvoted 2 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, How Did You Come Out To Your Friends And Family?
My dad pretty much ditched me and my mom when I was two so never had the greatest relationship. Cut to high school graduation and he feels the need to reach out so he invites me to his wedding. He told me it was his fifth so he wanted to poke fun at the institution so he was having it on Halloween and it would be a costume party. Well, in his absence he’d neglected to realize I’d been recently employed as a full time drag queen. I knocked on his door in full drag: a skintight leather catsuit, leather waist clincher, long black hair, stiletto boots, the works. When he opened the door he took one look at me then leaned back and shouted to his wife, “Honey, did you hire a hooker?” “No, dad, it’s me.” Best. Revenge. Ever.
Chase • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

Chase • commented on a post 1 year ago

Chase • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group

Chase • upvoted 6 items 1 year ago

Chase • upvoted 11 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, How Did You Come Out To Your Friends And Family?
I'm going to do the time I came out to my friends, cause I still I haven't come out to my family yet. But I hope I will by the end of the month. Anyway, my friends and I were at Knotts. I think we were in line for The Log Ride, and they were asking me who my ex-crush ex-friend was. I was like, if I tell them, then I'd have to come out. But I was originally going to come out. So, I said, "Lemme get one thing straight, I'm not." A look of surprise crossed my friends' faces. They accepted me and I was so happy. Then one of my friends said "That was so smooth, I think I might use that next time." I gave her a look and she came out to us as a lesbian. My other friend also came out as bisexual too. In the end, I was glad I came out to them. They were so supportive of me. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH Y'ALL!!!
Hey Pandas, How Did You Come Out To Your Friends And Family?
This is the opposite of what was asked, but I moved across the country to San Francisco when I was 20. I'd met this guy Mike and hung out with him a lot, when I'd call home I'd talk to my parents about him and things we did together. Finally Christmas time came along and I said I was going to come home and bring a friend along whose parents were out of the country for Christmas. Mom of course said "Great! We're looking forward to meeting your friend!" My parents seemed surprised at the airport when I got off the plane, hand in hand with my girlfriend, Christine. Later that day when we were alone my mom asked "Wait, where is Mike? Isn't he your boyfriend!?" When I said "No.... he's my friend." She said "Oh my god, we thought you were gay and weren't ready to come out yet! We thought Christine was Mike's friend" Then it hit me, I'd been pretty quiet about my relationship with my girlfriend when talking to my parents, I really only only mentioned her in context with Mike like "I went out to dinner with Mike and Chris". And I remembered that when we talked on the phone, Mom would ask a lot of questions about Mike, trying to give me an opening to reveal that he was my boyfriend - I always thought it weird the way she was so interested in him. So even though I'm not gay and didn't actually come out, I found that my parents would have been very accepting, which makes me pretty lucky after hearing some of the horror stories from friends whose parents who would not accept their homosexuality at all.
Hey Pandas, How Did You Come Out To Your Friends And Family?
My dad pretty much ditched me and my mom when I was two so never had the greatest relationship. Cut to high school graduation and he feels the need to reach out so he invites me to his wedding. He told me it was his fifth so he wanted to poke fun at the institution so he was having it on Halloween and it would be a costume party. Well, in his absence he’d neglected to realize I’d been recently employed as a full time drag queen. I knocked on his door in full drag: a skintight leather catsuit, leather waist clincher, long black hair, stiletto boots, the works. When he opened the door he took one look at me then leaned back and shouted to his wife, “Honey, did you hire a hooker?” “No, dad, it’s me.” Best. Revenge. Ever.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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