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Mik J
Community Member
12 posts
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Mik J • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, When Did You Dump Religion?
It came slowly for me, but I remember starting to doubt when my dad died. I prayed everyday for him to come back, but of course he never did. I got shipped off to extremely religious relatives and the more I saw their beliefs, the more I started to doubt it all. I was forced to hear/read/think about God every day and all that time scrutinizing one book made me notice a lot of plot holes.Hey Pandas, When Did You Dump Religion?
It came slowly for me, but I remember starting to doubt when my dad died. I prayed everyday for him to come back, but of course he never did. I got shipped off to extremely religious relatives and the more I saw their beliefs, the more I started to doubt it all. I was forced to hear/read/think about God every day and all that time scrutinizing one book made me notice a lot of plot holes.Hey Pandas, When Did You Dump Religion?
The congregation was treating the pastor as if he were Christ. One morning we had a guest speaker, a local politician who was running for re-election. I got up while he was “stumping” and said out loud “This is bull$hit” and walked out.Hey Pandas, When Did You Dump Religion?
At 15, when my mother was excommunicated for marrying a Lutheran (we were Episcopalian). As if that made any sense at all.Show All 13 Upvotes
Mik J • commented on 26 posts 2 years ago
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Mik J • submitted 6 new posts 3 years ago
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Mik J • submitted 12 list additions 3 years ago
Mik J • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Mik J • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, When Did You Dump Religion?
At 15, when my mother was excommunicated for marrying a Lutheran (we were Episcopalian). As if that made any sense at all.Hey Pandas, When Did You Dump Religion?
It came slowly for me, but I remember starting to doubt when my dad died. I prayed everyday for him to come back, but of course he never did. I got shipped off to extremely religious relatives and the more I saw their beliefs, the more I started to doubt it all. I was forced to hear/read/think about God every day and all that time scrutinizing one book made me notice a lot of plot holes.Hey Pandas, When Did You Dump Religion?
The congregation was treating the pastor as if he were Christ. One morning we had a guest speaker, a local politician who was running for re-election. I got up while he was “stumping” and said out loud “This is bull$hit” and walked out. Mik J • is following 3 people
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