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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
actUp1989 reply
That Irish people all love the drink and are either constantly drunk or on the lookout for an opportunity to get drunk.
It's enough to drive you to the bottle.
This Local Donut Shop Waiting Line Always Starts Behind A Cat Who’s Obsessed With Sweet Treats
School Kids Learn Sign Language To Surprise Their Deaf Therapy Dog And People Can't Get Enough
Humorous And Positive Single-Panel Comics By Jim Shoenbill That Will Hopefully Brighten Up Your Day (New Pics)
Woman Let Her Dalmatian Keep A Foster Kitten And It Resulted In The Most Beautiful Friendship
We Did An Enchanted Autumn Warrior Queen Photoshoot With A Sword, A Red Dress, And A Black Horse (10 Pics)
stophatinjustsayin reply
I’ve met a lot of famous people since I used to wait tables (I actually quit a few months ago because I graduated from UCLA and moved to NYC. Besides the point) at Craig’s in LA. The rudest people I ever had to handle were Rita Ora and Hailey Bieber. They were both so f*****g rude and entitled, Rita acts as if she’s the s**t when in reality no one gives a f**k about her flop music career.
MisterSnowman69 reply
We weren't allow to whistle, because my grandma and mom believe it would conjure snakes, because they saw it in a movie from their home country when they were young. Also no shadow puppets either because they would come alive, once again because of a movie they saw.
Gradual_Growth reply
Hyper-Christian parents were very worried about Satanism in the 90s and early 2000s, so no Pokémon, or anything with magic (all my friends played Runescape D&D). Also, no Halloween or anything with monsters.
As a parent now Pokémon is my favorite show to watch with my kid and Halloween is probably my favorite holiday.
Somehow, I haven't tried to summon the Devil or performed any Satanic rituals.