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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
HoboJerreey reply
A lot of commercial garden centers pump their plants full of fertilizer before they sell it so it looks the best. Usually so much so that they die or it severely causes harm after a while. Buy locally or go to a legit nursery where they actually care about the quality of their products.
Environmental Technician at a Native Plant Nursery.
Bjork-BjorkII reply
Work in pharmacy.
We get calls every day from patients asking for ways to make their medications last longer, skip doses, etc. Because they can't afford their meds until they stop calling because they skipped 1 too many doses.
And we know this is happening and there is nothing we can do about it.
I've taken one of those calls told a patient that if they don't take their medications as directed, THEY WILL DIE only for them to ask what their odds are of living without food. Only to go back to the register and continue getting patients their medication.
It sucks a lot.
EdithTheBat reply
Any food hack that wants you to get sugar boiling hot and then spin it with a whisk in the air to make strings or says it'll turn into fairy floss or some such.
You will burn yourself, and getting it off your skin is difficult because it's sugar. And they always aim it at gd teenagers.
Howtocookthat on youtube has a lot of the food related ones and explains why they're dangerous or don't work.
Vegetable_Ad_7940 reply
The saying "it will come when you least expect it", you have to look and fight for what you want.
MerlinsMomma2024 reply
Using Dawn dish soap on kittens to kill fleas. It doesn’t work. It’s a hoax. Even Dawn said it doesn’t kill fleas.
CosmicChronicler9041 reply
Repeating constantly "Leave out of your comfort zone". Not everyone wants to leave it and some people work very hard to have a safe space and confort.
Some people just want to settle and it's fair.
anon reply
To "do it anyway" or "do it scared".
Sometimes you do need to get yourself together/calm down before you do something. Like driving.
ChevalierA reply
"Just wake up at 5 AM and your life will be fixed!" Nah, I’ve tried it, and all I got was more tired and cranky 😂
BusyPaws reply
When people suggest going for a walk or working out to combat depression because “you don’t NEED medication, you just need to clear your head. Depression and anxiety are all in your head.”
B***h, no s**t it’s in my head. That’s why I take brain medicine.
nevermindaboutthaton reply
No Pain - No Gain.
Pain is the body's way of telling you that you are damaged.
LyannaLL reply
**"Multitasking makes you more productive."**
Actually, multitasking tends to make you worse at everything you’re trying to do. You end up scattered, doing a mediocre job on each thing instead of really focusing and excelling at one task. If you need to get stuff done, block out distractions and tackle things one at a time.
TheBassMeister reply
Do not put your toaster sideways to make cheese toast as some lifehacks suggest. It is a fire hazard.
its0matt reply
That once you live on your own, It cost money every second of your life. Even if you stay in and hide in your bed, The bills are rolling like the counter on a gas station pump.
bugcatcher_billy reply
Being an adult is living with regrets.
It's not only ok to look back and wish you did things different, it's proof of growth.
Suitable-Pie4896 reply
You have all the freedom to stay up as late as you want and eat candy for dinner. But you'll feel horrible if you do..
Also, dishes. So many f*****g dishes all the time.
Bjork-BjorkII reply
Work in pharmacy.
We get calls every day from patients asking for ways to make their medications last longer, skip doses, etc. Because they can't afford their meds until they stop calling because they skipped 1 too many doses.
And we know this is happening and there is nothing we can do about it.
I've taken one of those calls told a patient that if they don't take their medications as directed, THEY WILL DIE only for them to ask what their odds are of living without food. Only to go back to the register and continue getting patients their medication.
It sucks a lot.
HoboJerreey reply
A lot of commercial garden centers pump their plants full of fertilizer before they sell it so it looks the best. Usually so much so that they die or it severely causes harm after a while. Buy locally or go to a legit nursery where they actually care about the quality of their products.
Environmental Technician at a Native Plant Nursery.
Vegetable_Ad_7940 reply
The saying "it will come when you least expect it", you have to look and fight for what you want.
MerlinsMomma2024 reply
Using Dawn dish soap on kittens to kill fleas. It doesn’t work. It’s a hoax. Even Dawn said it doesn’t kill fleas.