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Octavi • commented on 40 posts 2 years ago
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Octavi • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Octavi • upvoted 2 items 3 years ago
Choosing not to have kids if you don't feel like you'd be a good/happy parent or be able to support them (emotionally, mentally, financially, socially). Like I don't think I really want kids because I don't think it would be good for me/I wouldn't be super happy as a mom. I'm on my way to full financial stability but I won't even consider it until I'm there. My mom keeps pushing me to have a kid even though I still drive an 08 piece of shit, rent, and have $60k student loans. Like, I'm not there, my kid is gonna have to go without like I did and I personally don't want to actively try to have a kid so they can go without. If I did change my mind, I would want to make sure they had a really fulfilling life. My mom had me because she wanted a kid. She got knocked up by a dude that didn't want me so I grew up without a dad. She was a poor, alcoholic. I grew up shit and hated most of my childhood. I don't want to be selfish like her and inflict that on a kid "just because I wanted a kid".This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Octavi • 14 followers