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Carson Symes
Community Member
3 posts
79 points
HI! My name is Carson and I am a HUGE Dodgers fan, I have an adorable Yorkie (he is 12).
Carson Symes • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Carson Symes • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
Show All 14 Comments
Carson Symes • upvoted 16 items 3 years ago
I jumped up and (successfully) bit the string that is used to pull the attic door down. It had a metal bead on it... Immediately after I remember thinking “holy s**t I actually got it in my mouth and broke the string”. Then I realized the string was still there, but half my front tooth wasn’t. As the best man at my wedding said “the attic string went fishing for idiots and caught one”Dumb-Things-People-Did-For-No-Reason
I jumped up and (successfully) bit the string that is used to pull the attic door down. It had a metal bead on it... Immediately after I remember thinking “holy s**t I actually got it in my mouth and broke the string”. Then I realized the string was still there, but half my front tooth wasn’t. As the best man at my wedding said “the attic string went fishing for idiots and caught one”Show All 16 Upvotes
Carson Symes • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Carson Symes • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Carson Symes • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Carson Symes • upvoted 3 items 4 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's A Funny Story That Took Place At School?
I run track and we had a peprally for the sport at school and they call names and then that person runs to the stage when their name is called. It was my turn to do it and half way between the stage and the back of the gym (where the team was standing) I triped and ate polished gym floor. everyone including me was laughing suuuuuuper hard I when walked to the stage.Hey Pandas, What's A Funny Story That Took Place At School?
I run track and we had a peprally for the sport at school and they call names and then that person runs to the stage when their name is called. It was my turn to do it and half way between the stage and the back of the gym (where the team was standing) I triped and ate polished gym floor. everyone including me was laughing suuuuuuper hard I when walked to the stage.Show All 3 Upvotes
Carson Symes • commented on 2 posts 4 years ago
Carson Symes • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Carson Symes • submitted a new post 4 years ago
Carson Symes • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Carson Symes • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago
Carson Symes • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
Carson Symes • commented on 6 posts 4 years ago
Carson Symes • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Carson Symes • upvoted 16 items 3 years ago
I jumped up and (successfully) bit the string that is used to pull the attic door down. It had a metal bead on it... Immediately after I remember thinking “holy s**t I actually got it in my mouth and broke the string”. Then I realized the string was still there, but half my front tooth wasn’t. As the best man at my wedding said “the attic string went fishing for idiots and caught one” Carson Symes • upvoted 3 items 4 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's A Funny Story That Took Place At School?
I run track and we had a peprally for the sport at school and they call names and then that person runs to the stage when their name is called. It was my turn to do it and half way between the stage and the back of the gym (where the team was standing) I triped and ate polished gym floor. everyone including me was laughing suuuuuuper hard I when walked to the stage.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Carson Symes • 54 followers