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ExistingHemlo, please talk to me.carolinehellman07@gmail.com

Dave Baldwin reply
Not me. My parents. I learned to swim literally before I could walk. We lived in south Florida, so of course water was everywhere. My parents would take me to the beach, carry me out a little ways, stand maybe 15 feet apart, and... throw me! I'd scream with delight until I hit the water, swim to the other parent... Someone called the police and said they were trying to drown me! Mind you, this was over 50 years ago. No cell phones. No 911. No touch tone dialing. They found a phone, looked up the number, and manually dialed seven digits, or bothered an operator. The officer walked out as far as he could on the sand, laughed, and called my parents over to tell them why he was there.

Steven Wimsatt reply
I was renting an apartment in the middle of town. I grew up with the chief of police and remained good friends. One day he and a few other policemen stopped by for lunch. The apartment adjacent to mine had a teacher living in who absolutely snored any noise and called the police to report a loud party at my place. It was really funny hearing about 5 police radios go off reporting that I was having a load and boisterous party when most of the police force were eating lunch in my apartment.

Dave Baldwin reply
Not me. My parents. I learned to swim literally before I could walk. We lived in south Florida, so of course water was everywhere. My parents would take me to the beach, carry me out a little ways, stand maybe 15 feet apart, and... throw me! I'd scream with delight until I hit the water, swim to the other parent... Someone called the police and said they were trying to drown me! Mind you, this was over 50 years ago. No cell phones. No 911. No touch tone dialing. They found a phone, looked up the number, and manually dialed seven digits, or bothered an operator. The officer walked out as far as he could on the sand, laughed, and called my parents over to tell them why he was there.

Steven Wimsatt reply
I was renting an apartment in the middle of town. I grew up with the chief of police and remained good friends. One day he and a few other policemen stopped by for lunch. The apartment adjacent to mine had a teacher living in who absolutely snored any noise and called the police to report a loud party at my place. It was really funny hearing about 5 police radios go off reporting that I was having a load and boisterous party when most of the police force were eating lunch in my apartment.

Hey Pandas, What Is An Animated Show That Deserves More Attention?
BoJack Horseman. I felt the characters were relatable and progressed nicely with the series. There was plenty of solid humor (some dark humor too) mixed in-between some also very relatable themes like struggles with mental challenges, substance abuse, and the general rat-race of life and society at large. Definitely for "mature audiences".

Dave Baldwin reply
Not me. My parents. I learned to swim literally before I could walk. We lived in south Florida, so of course water was everywhere. My parents would take me to the beach, carry me out a little ways, stand maybe 15 feet apart, and... throw me! I'd scream with delight until I hit the water, swim to the other parent... Someone called the police and said they were trying to drown me! Mind you, this was over 50 years ago. No cell phones. No 911. No touch tone dialing. They found a phone, looked up the number, and manually dialed seven digits, or bothered an operator. The officer walked out as far as he could on the sand, laughed, and called my parents over to tell them why he was there.

Steven Wimsatt reply
I was renting an apartment in the middle of town. I grew up with the chief of police and remained good friends. One day he and a few other policemen stopped by for lunch. The apartment adjacent to mine had a teacher living in who absolutely snored any noise and called the police to report a loud party at my place. It was really funny hearing about 5 police radios go off reporting that I was having a load and boisterous party when most of the police force were eating lunch in my apartment.

Hey Pandas, What Is An Animated Show That Deserves More Attention?
BoJack Horseman. I felt the characters were relatable and progressed nicely with the series. There was plenty of solid humor (some dark humor too) mixed in-between some also very relatable themes like struggles with mental challenges, substance abuse, and the general rat-race of life and society at large. Definitely for "mature audiences".