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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Christine • upvoted 35 items 1 year ago

steelingjackalope317 reply
My great uncle was a Jesuit priest. He sort of always kept to himself. He was very serious, bit of a curmudgeon. My dad gets a phone call in the middle of the night in 2005. Great uncle says he needs my dad to pick him up immediately from Port Washington, Wisconsin.My dad drives from Indianapolis to Wisconsin to get my great uncle. My great uncle is living in a mansion on the water. My dad is trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Long story short, when my great uncle was teaching at a well known Jesuit University, he fell in love with a young woman and she with him. They secretly led a life together and when he was 97 and she 80, she passed away. He had no idea what to do. They had always planned for him to die first. But to make this wilder, he still went about as a priest. He took the vow of poverty, hung out with priests, etc. Martha, his girlfriend, went big with IBM and became a millionaire! She took my great uncle all over the world, they did fancy things. He even had a different name when he was with her.
After she died, my great uncle lived with my mom and dad, when my mom took him to the doctor they couldn't find any of his records. After a few minutes, he said "Oh...check under the name Peter Rockford", and they found him. My great uncle was a total bad*ss. I'm not sure he could get away with this today. Maybe he could. He lived to be 103.

zachtheperson reply
We were at a big bonfire, and there was this guy named Kylee who got absolutely hammered. Eventually the night's winding down, people are going home, and some of his friends started asking him if he had a ride home, and he kept slurring " 'll take mfsssfelf home," which obviously his friends were just like "F**k no," asked me if I had extra room in my car to take him home, and I said "sure." Kylee kept protesting that he wanted to take himself home, but we eventually got him in my passenger seat and he fell asleep almost immediately. We get in the car, his friends give us directions to Kylee's house, and good news, it was literally two streets over from where I was headed anyways! The drive was going to be around 1.5 hours, so not having to go way out of my way to drop him off was fantastic! The car ride was pretty quite as it was around 2am, we were all tired, sober, and ready to just go the f**k to sleep. I pull up to Kylee's house, wake him up and go "Hey man, we're here!" to which he takes one look out the window and goes ".... this aint my house." One of his friends immediately went "The f**k do you mean, I was literally here last week, this is your house!" and Kylee just responds "Naw... I moved two days ago." "Where the f**k did you move to!?!?!?!" "Two houses down from the bonfire. I walked there."
Scoot In Style: Mini Deluxe 3-Wheeled Micro Scooter - The Ultimate Swiss-Designed Ride For Fashionable Kids!

Feltedskullpuppets reply
My daughter would run away from me at the grocery store when I had my infant son in the cart. So I put tap shoes on her when we went shopping.Show All 35 Upvotes

Christine • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
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This Panda hasn't posted anything yet

Christine • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago

Christine • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago

Christine • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago

Christine • commented on 5 posts 4 years ago

Christine • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

steelingjackalope317 reply
My great uncle was a Jesuit priest. He sort of always kept to himself. He was very serious, bit of a curmudgeon. My dad gets a phone call in the middle of the night in 2005. Great uncle says he needs my dad to pick him up immediately from Port Washington, Wisconsin.My dad drives from Indianapolis to Wisconsin to get my great uncle. My great uncle is living in a mansion on the water. My dad is trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Long story short, when my great uncle was teaching at a well known Jesuit University, he fell in love with a young woman and she with him. They secretly led a life together and when he was 97 and she 80, she passed away. He had no idea what to do. They had always planned for him to die first. But to make this wilder, he still went about as a priest. He took the vow of poverty, hung out with priests, etc. Martha, his girlfriend, went big with IBM and became a millionaire! She took my great uncle all over the world, they did fancy things. He even had a different name when he was with her.
After she died, my great uncle lived with my mom and dad, when my mom took him to the doctor they couldn't find any of his records. After a few minutes, he said "Oh...check under the name Peter Rockford", and they found him. My great uncle was a total bad*ss. I'm not sure he could get away with this today. Maybe he could. He lived to be 103.

zachtheperson reply
We were at a big bonfire, and there was this guy named Kylee who got absolutely hammered. Eventually the night's winding down, people are going home, and some of his friends started asking him if he had a ride home, and he kept slurring " 'll take mfsssfelf home," which obviously his friends were just like "F**k no," asked me if I had extra room in my car to take him home, and I said "sure." Kylee kept protesting that he wanted to take himself home, but we eventually got him in my passenger seat and he fell asleep almost immediately. We get in the car, his friends give us directions to Kylee's house, and good news, it was literally two streets over from where I was headed anyways! The drive was going to be around 1.5 hours, so not having to go way out of my way to drop him off was fantastic! The car ride was pretty quite as it was around 2am, we were all tired, sober, and ready to just go the f**k to sleep. I pull up to Kylee's house, wake him up and go "Hey man, we're here!" to which he takes one look out the window and goes ".... this aint my house." One of his friends immediately went "The f**k do you mean, I was literally here last week, this is your house!" and Kylee just responds "Naw... I moved two days ago." "Where the f**k did you move to!?!?!?!" "Two houses down from the bonfire. I walked there."This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Christine • 31 followers