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Farting Bee
Community Member
1 posts
793 points
I’m a bee that farts
Farting Bee • upvoted 10 items 1 year ago
samanthasgramma reply
My kids are grown. But it's the same, anywhere, any time ... I always felt I was battling "perfect Mom syndrome" and constantly being shamed for just about anything imaginable. Y'know what? I have the advantage of TIME. I can look back and blow raspberries at them because my kids were healthy as horses, grew to be terrific adults, and I couldn't be prouder of who they are as human beings. Moms ... Tell the shamers to kiss your a**e. You do you. If you're giving love and good care, it works. Job done well. You are doing GREAT, and I beg you to just thumb your nose at them, and keep doing you. I send every one of you a warm hug (if you want it) of support, encouragement and courage.VanirianNights reply
I’m shamed for owning reptiles. Yes, my snakes are totally going to eat my cat and baby. We’re all definitely in mortal danger, oh the horror, goodbye cold cruel world. 🙄🙄🙄 then I’m suddenly an a*****e for being sarcastic about it, which makes zero sense because how else am I going to respond to idiots? Oh, or what about the cat stealing the baby’s milk and suffocating them? I’ll ask “omg how do I protect my tits from this future atrocity” and again I’m an a*****e and a bad mom for not taking it seriously. As if the safety of my bosom isn’t serious in a fictitious situation that will never happen, pft.Show All 10 Upvotes
Farting Bee • commented on 27 posts 1 year ago
Show All 27 Comments
Farting Bee • started following a person 1 year ago
Farting Bee • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Farting Bee • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Farting Bee • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Farting Bee • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
VanirianNights reply
I’m shamed for owning reptiles. Yes, my snakes are totally going to eat my cat and baby. We’re all definitely in mortal danger, oh the horror, goodbye cold cruel world. 🙄🙄🙄 then I’m suddenly an a*****e for being sarcastic about it, which makes zero sense because how else am I going to respond to idiots? Oh, or what about the cat stealing the baby’s milk and suffocating them? I’ll ask “omg how do I protect my tits from this future atrocity” and again I’m an a*****e and a bad mom for not taking it seriously. As if the safety of my bosom isn’t serious in a fictitious situation that will never happen, pft.samanthasgramma reply
My kids are grown. But it's the same, anywhere, any time ... I always felt I was battling "perfect Mom syndrome" and constantly being shamed for just about anything imaginable. Y'know what? I have the advantage of TIME. I can look back and blow raspberries at them because my kids were healthy as horses, grew to be terrific adults, and I couldn't be prouder of who they are as human beings. Moms ... Tell the shamers to kiss your a**e. You do you. If you're giving love and good care, it works. Job done well. You are doing GREAT, and I beg you to just thumb your nose at them, and keep doing you. I send every one of you a warm hug (if you want it) of support, encouragement and courage.Miniature Animals - Crochet Toy. Dollhouse Miniatures, Pet For Doll, Blythe, Ob11 And Other By Yarkoe_prostoe (Koshcheeva Anna)
Farting Bee • is following a person
Farting Bee • 1 follower