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Laiba Fayyaz
Community Member
10 posts
12 points
Life is a race, and I am running backward but even in that, I am slow since I am a Panda.
Laiba Fayyaz • commented on 7 posts 3 years ago
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Laiba Fayyaz • submitted 10 new posts 3 years ago
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Laiba Fayyaz • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas,why Is Life So Rude?
I think it is all just to make you a better person and from my experience, the people who have gone through a lot can be the most supportive and loving ones.Hey Pandas, How Do You Describe Womanhood?
When you start to act more mature and independently. Also, when you start to look more grow up and get your period. When you find who you truly are and your unique style.Hey Pandas, How Do You Describe Womanhood?
In my opinion, it's when you start your period, or puberty itself. Because ALL women have periods whether late or not. It's an indication that you CAN get pregnant but you aren't pregnant. (Except of course the ones with personal infertility, or physical issues.) But it's sad when others expect you to get married/have kids. You can do whatever YOU want, and be whatever YOU want to be.Show All 9 Upvotes
Laiba Fayyaz • started following 2 people 3 years ago
Laiba Fayyaz • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Laiba Fayyaz • submitted 10 new posts 3 years ago
Laiba Fayyaz • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Laiba Fayyaz • commented on 7 posts 3 years ago
Laiba Fayyaz • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas,why Is Life So Rude?
I think it is all just to make you a better person and from my experience, the people who have gone through a lot can be the most supportive and loving ones.Hey Pandas, How Do You Describe Womanhood?
When you start to act more mature and independently. Also, when you start to look more grow up and get your period. When you find who you truly are and your unique style.This Is Tiernan McCready. He Saw 3 Males Grab An 18-Year-Old Girl And Try To Get Her In Their Van. He Reacted Instantly, Led The Girl To Safety And Told His Mother To Ring The Police
Hey Pandas, How Do You Describe Womanhood?
In my opinion, it's when you start your period, or puberty itself. Because ALL women have periods whether late or not. It's an indication that you CAN get pregnant but you aren't pregnant. (Except of course the ones with personal infertility, or physical issues.) But it's sad when others expect you to get married/have kids. You can do whatever YOU want, and be whatever YOU want to be. Laiba Fayyaz • is following 2 people
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